#3 The Tiny Town Hall

One city in Germany takes a unique approach to civic participation. With declining rates of local democratic engagement around the world, Keil has teamed up with local creatives to try something radical: take their town hall to the people - on wheels! The Tiny Town Hall...

Sofa Session #3: Behaviour Change 101

“Changing behaviour” is seen as the #1 challenge by CityChangers who are passionately driving change around the world. We can see why: Humans just hate to change. What’s even worse, scientists tell us to forget about making people change. So what should we do...

Jennifer Keesmaat – 3 Lessons in Community Building | CityChangers in Conversation

Learn from Jennifer Keesmaat, former Chief City Planner of Toronto, as she shares her three key lessons for building communities through revitalising neighbourhoods in Toronto.

From Pop-Up to Permanent – Hopes and Dreams for Latin American Cycling Infrastructure

This article was written by Felipe Caicedo Otero, based in Panama City from where he supports BYCS in the areas of research, communications and the Bicycle Mayor Network in Latin America. BYCS is an Amsterdam-based social enterprise driven by the belief that bicycles transform...

Prioritising Cyclists and Pedestrians for a Safer, Stronger Recovery

This article was written by and for the C40 Knowledge Hub, which delivers cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities for others working in city government. It was originally published here in May 2020. We’re featuring the article with kind permission by the C40 Knowledge Hub. With...

EU Projects Working Towards Greener Cities

Green is the new black; or rather, ‘greenzoning’ is the new ‘grayzoning’. These EU projects are the ones painting the cities green, striving to protect the (urban) biodiversity, or focusing on social inclusion by providing their city with green zones. Have a look at...

Bringing Homes to Life: How to Green Your Walls

Greening your walls just may be easier than you think. We have gathered guidelines, recommendations, costs, benefits, and everything you need to consider in this compact, easy-to-follow guide. Whether you’re a lover of vegetation or simply want to do something good for the environment around...

From PROMISE to ENERGY PUSH: Past and Ongoing EU Projects on Housing

Housing is a complex and multifaceted topic. We want our homes to be eco-friendly, socially inclusive, well-maintained, and – at the end of the day – affordable. That sounds like quite a challenge to tackle, doesn’t it? The six EU projects presented here had the...

Ending Youth Homelessness Through Mindset & System Shifts

Youth homelessness is often an overlooked topic. There are public institutions helping young adults and minors in need, right? Well, sadly, that’s not always the case. We spoke with the Co-Founder of Point Source Youth, an organisation dedicated to preventing forced youth homelessness through...

DearNeighbour: Cohesive Communities As the Driving Force of a Just Green Transition

This article was written for by Eliza Barnea, Policy and Government Affairs Coordinator for IntreVecini, a Bucharest-based non-profit that empowers citizens to lead their own urban improvements. Using residents of urban condominiums as an example, she explains the important and very direct role...

Infrastructural Changes for Pedestrians: What to Consider

Changing the infrastructure is never an easy task. A lot of thought goes into designing an efficient transport system – but does it consider all modes of transport? Learn about the most important elements to consider when on a mission to make your city...

Food-Water-Energy Nexus Facts & Figures

Trying to understand the food-water-energy (FWE) nexus has a lot of us scratching our heads. Trying to get anywhere with it is like unravelling a knotted ball of wool: you can tug at the threads, but they don’t come loosely because it is so intrinsically...

Traffic Snake Game Network: How an EU Project Encourages Sustainable Mobility Through a Game

How to implement changes in a fun and exciting way? How to influence the youngest residents of your city to switch to sustainable means of transport? Well, through gaming, obviously! Specifically, with a game called Traffic Snake Game Network. What Exactly Is the Traffic Snake...

How to Avoid Heat Islands with Greenery

Have you noticed the extremely high temperatures this summer? Especially when walking around a larger city? That is because city concrete and rooftop tar contribute to temperature increase and creating what is today known as the Heat Island Effect. What does it mean for...

Multifunctional Roofs & How to Implement Them in Your City

You’ve heard of green roofs and the value they add to the overall city climate, appearance, and well-being. But what then is a multifunctional roof? And why does it matter which one you choose? In overpopulated cities, the need and desire for space is growing....

Preventing Day Zero: Lessons from Cape Town

Day Zero: the moment a city’s water dries up completely. For Cape Town, this deadly scenario came too close, but it was averted thanks to collective action and decisive leadership. This story serves as a get-started guide to conservation for any city wishing to...

Sustainable Buildings Glossary: Key Terms & Technologies

In case the world of sustainable buildings, planning, retrofitting, and construction is new to you, the CityChangers team has put together a quick-reference glossary to help you navigate some of the most common and technical terms used in our articles. A B C D E...

How to Make Water Use More Efficient

Showering, cleaning, drinking, flushing, and washing clothes all use water. A lot of water! As the climate changes and populations increase, supply is struggling to keep up with demand. Making our city’s buildings more sustainable conserves vital drops. But what exactly can we do...