Let’s be honest: We can’t really complain about too little information and knowledge on how to change cities. In fact, there’s tons of it out there, and billions of Euros invested into creating even more. Where does the problem lie, then? It is the accessibility of information (ever noticed how many EU-project-pages are being hijacked by porn sites after the project period has ended? Because believe us, we have!), or the challenge of distilling the relevant information out of hundreds and thousands of project report pages. Within the research section, it’s our goal to provide you with an overview and accessible knowhow: hands-on, time-saving, readable, and key for implementation – focusing on the “how-to-implement” part instead of the “what-has-been-done”.
Translating research into action
In the Spotlight
Why We Need To Talk More About Participatory Cities
Many researchers are looking into new, innovative ways of how to create policies and engagement. Here's an insight.
Meet the Cycling Professor: Marco Te Brömmelstroet
How can we bridge the theoretical and practical world, and what does language have to do with mobility?
The 4 Main Dos and Don’ts of Cycle Promotion
We reached out to cycling project leaders whose initiatives have received EU funding in the past years - here's their 4 Do's and Don'ts!
No Time for Trial and Error – How to Lead In a Crisis
How do you best lead in a crisis? We worked through academic research and experience reports of leaders to give you an overview.
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