Karl Dickinson

Change matters. It takes courage. As a writer - and citizen - I am inspired by stories of those who challenge the 'we've always done it this way' attitude. We can do better - it's time to listen to those who go against the grain.

Are Public Festivals Damaging Urban Parks?

Because of the population density, cities are a concentration of the best and worst of everyday human behaviour. Nowhere is this more evident than at celebrations that infringe on urban parks. With the warmer weather of summer, people strip themselves sartorially, and apparently of a sense of responsibility for the world...

Urban Design Lessons We Must Learn from Communities in the Global South

Implementing spatial changes that benefit citizens isn’t a straightforward process. In many cities, there’s not a process for it at all! Or is there? The case of Muscat, in Oman, shows us that it may be disadvantaged citizens rather than authorities who possess the real change-making power. We talk...

Train Drain: Why We Shouldn’t (Always) Travel Sustainably

Sustainability needs a warning label. The somewhat tongue in cheek Godwin’s law suggests that in any online discussion going on long enough, someone will make a comparison with the Nazis. In a similar way, it seems that any talk about urban sustainability eventually leads to one topic. Well, sorry folks, here’s...

From Nero to Zero – The Unspoken Exclusion of Smartphones

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. During a recent trip, my enquiry into departure times for the shuttle bus connecting sites of Pompeii was met with a bark of, “Check the internet!” The response – “I can’t” – prompted a raucous guffaw. It’s an in-your-face reminder of how...

CityChanger Balin Koyunoglu: Creating Resilient Cities Through Rewilding

Humans and wildlife have much in common. Urban sprawl deprives both of the resources, protection, and environmental stability that the natural world offers. Rewilding cities can reverse these fortunes. We explore what’s to gain from welcoming wildlife into urban spaces and how easily it can be achieved, with landscape...

What Went Wrong with the Paris Referendum On E-Scooters?

Micromobility has an image problem. In Paris, a mix of poor planning and bad user habits came to a head as the public voted for e-scooters to be banned. Mobility expert Dagmara Wrzesińska’s outspoken criticism of how the referendum was handled caught our attention – her explanation is a...

Policy Recommendations & Mechanisms That Support Urban Migrant Experiences

The challenges for migrants arriving in a new country seem endless. The more vulnerable their situation, and precarious their legal status, the deeper these problems run. Social and structural barriers and discrimination prevent newcomers from integrating with any ease. Just as well there are actors in the urban realm...

Tools for Cities to Facilitate Migrant Integration in European Communities

In 2019, JPI Urban Europe established a call for research into urban migration in Europe, with the aim of understanding how it affects and is affected by the life and functioning of cities. As such a recent study, the results provide an incomparable resource for urban actors wishing to...

Urban Noise – Nuisance or Necessity?

Proving humans’ unparalleled capability for confounding logic, the daylight hours of 31 December in Graz were punctuated with the whizz-pop of fireworks. The magical glittery hues may have been lost to an unseasonal sunny backdrop, but their voices were far from hushed. Come midnight, and the neighbourhood was alive with...

The Role of NGOs in Facilitating Migrant Integration in European Cities

JPI Urban Europe put out a call for projects researching urban migration in Europe. The outcome is a current knowledge base that gives insights into how migration impacts the lives and workings of a city, and how these affect the experiences of new arrivals. What has been made clear...

Gendered Issues in Urban Migration & Integration in European Cities

It’s a fact! Cities are designed by men for men. This skews power relations in the built environment and the systems that govern them, curtailing women’s social and economic mobility. Added to this, intersectional factors – and for migrants the specifics of a legal status – can exacerbate the...

Hypocritesmas: The Seasonal Scourge of Light Pollution

Oh joy! It’s that time of year again. For what feels like months already we’ve been wading through the drawn-out build-up to Christmas. Shops are once again subjecting their staff to the saccharin mental torture of looping the same few jingly-jangly tunes as consumers are force-fed the pretence that it’s the...

Challenges & Solutions for Migrant Housing in European Cities

In a hostile environment where migrants are denied access to the services and basic rights others enjoy, finding secure, quality, safe, and affordable long-term housing remains one of the biggest challenges. As where and how we live carves out our sense of belonging, sorting out this key dynamic must...

The Challenges of Urban Migration in European Cities

Migration is a complex and divisive topic. Multiple political, economic, social, even environmental factors contribute to the discourse – not to mention a minefield of misinformation. For better or worse, these influences affect migrants’ experiences and impact integration, as well as influence cities’ approaches to newcomers. To find out...

Why is the Integration of Migrants Important in European Cities?

The recent research conducted in response to JPI Urban Europe’s Urban Migration call offers a greater understanding of what the arrival of new populations means for the functioning of European cities, and what forces shape their experiences. It also provides new insights into what is being done to support...

Exactly What Is Urban Migration?

For two years from January 2021, eight research projects supported by JPI Urban Europe’s Urban Migration call looked into the state of migration in the context of Europe’s cities: who it involves, what their experiences are, and what impact it has on the function of cities. The studies contribute...

Just What is the Beef with Meat?

There’s a lot to be said for going vegan. That must be why they drone on about it all the time! Like other drones, don’t you wish they would just fly off? But let’s give our nutrient-deficient cousins a break. Whether it’s for dietary or ethical reasons, there’s a lot...

The First Rule Is: Don’t Talk About Climate Change

How to communicate about climate in a way that drives real and sustainable change The problem: The doom and gloom language we constantly hear around human-caused climate change makes people feel helpless. Without hope there is no motivation to act.Why it matters: By adopting better ways to communicate about climate,...