We get it: There’s a whole lot of content here, and we understand that it’s kind of overwhelming. To help you out, we want to provide you with an overview of categories and tags to filter by – and an overview of all articles ever published in this site.
Content Overview
Categories indicate the overall type (article, video, podcast) or topic of the content piece. As the platform develops, more topic categories will be added in. Categories can hold sub categories: Mobility, for example, is split into Car-Free, City Logistics, Cycling, and Walking. Within the Sustainable Buildings topic, we focus on Construction, Greenery, Housing, and Retrofitting.
From introductory articles on the platform to articles on essential skills for CityChangers - all crossover information goes in here.
This is where to find all mobility articles combined. The subcategories are: Car-Free, City Logistics, Cycling, and Walking.
Sustainable Buildings
Learn how to build better, go net-zero, and beautify the built environment in our subcategories: Construction, Greenery, Housing, Retrofitting.
It's our most valuable resource, so let's get better at managing, treating, preserving, and protecting ourselves from it.
Urban Migration
Identifying the issues connecting migration and cities, plus impactful readymade tools and policy recommendations to implement at a local level.
Inclusive Cities
What does a city look like that truly caters for citizens' diverse needs? From night safety to disabled access, we explore what it means to be city for all.
Here's an overview of some of the podcasts out there that we enjoy. And some of our own.
Need a break from reading? Here's everything from Sofa Sessions to The Life-Sized City, including handpicked TED Talks.
Tags give a bit more detail when it comes to what the article, podcast, or video is all about. While you can find the category on the top left of the content piece, all tags are listed on the bottom. Here’s a selection of our most popular tags.
Stakeholders of all types and backgrounds are essential to creating our most sustainable cities – taking independent action and by working together. Jump straight to the articles that are written specifically with you in mind, complete with ideas and advice designed to inspire and guide your next move.