community groups

A Contributor’s Guide to CityChangers.org

Ready to hit the keys and share your story? Believe us, we’re just as excited as you are! Here’s a little guide on how to structure your knowledge and the story you’re telling, to...

CityChanger Katja Diehl: The Car Mobility Privilege and Why We Need to Restore City Justice

Human-centric mobility advocate Katja Diehl shared with us some of her insights into the car-free movement, the story behind her business and podcast ‘She Drives Mobility’, and her personal motivations for activism. Katja focuses...

From Creating Momentum for Pedestrians to Turning It Into Policy – How Rotterdam Made It Happen

It’s a long way from one person having an idea to a city fully implementing it on policy-level – Rotterdam’s story shows that it can be done, and how. We sat down with José...

Useful Tools and Guides for Greening

If our articles have lit the fire for greening in you, we suggest getting even more information and details here! Find and collect all the needed knowledge, information, and guidance in this list of...

When You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Own Neighbourhood – The Lack of Safety for Communities of Colour

Black individuals are 2,5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement on public surfaces, are often harassed at home by their neighbours, and only 22% of them feel they can safely bike...

Metamorphosis: An EU Project Where Children Are the Central Force Behind Change

When was the last time you saw children playing on the streets of your neighbourhood or heard their carefree, joyful laughter? Probably a long time ago. We seem to live in a society where...

Cars or Kids, Who’s King? How to Put Children Before Cars in City Planning

For the last century, there’s been an ongoing battle for city space between cars and children, which, for the most part, has been won by the former. Kids no longer have the right to...

How to Build a City for Women – and Why Cars Take a “Back Seat” in Feminist Urban Planning

Have our cities really been built with gender bias in their design? How did this happen, what does a "feminist" city really look like, and how can a female perspective in urban planning be...

CityChanger Kalpana Viswanath: Technology for Safety – How an App Is Giving Women a Sense of Security

There is one thing women all over the world have in common – fear. Fear of harassment and violence as soon as they enter public spaces. How to conquer this global issue? CityChanger Kalpana...

CityChanger Seble Samuel: Open Streets, Women on Bikes and the Power of Art in Addis Ababa

When more than half of the population doesn’t own private vehicles, but the city still has no significant cycling infrastructure, change is overdue. We talked with CityChanger and Young Leader Seble Samuel, co-founder of...

How to Make Your Project Inclusive

If change in your city is exclusive, it’s simply not good enough. Change needs to be beneficial for every single citizen in your city. As this is a complex issue and certain perspectives are...

The Case for Car-Free – Why Should We Care About Our Car-Dependency?

Cars have been part of our cities and our lives for decades now. They’re comfortable, they can take us almost everywhere, they suit our lifestyle, and they are advertised to become more and more...

Infrastructure for Car-Free Cities: The Challenge

The idea of a ‘car-free’ city sounds pretty straightforward… just ban the cars, right? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Several challenges stand in the way of reducing car dominance in cities and building...

Reducing Car Dominance in Cities: How to Get Started

You know your city has a problem with car use but don’t know where to begin trying to fix it? Look no further! Our How to Get Started guide tells you everything you need...

Why Are We Not Talking About Walking? The Challenge to Make Cities Walkable

Walking comes naturally to most people; hence, many of us don’t view it as an issue to consider in city planning. We’ll take a look at all the challenges walking activists are facing to...

Making Cities Pedestrian-Friendly: How to Get Started

So, you would like your city to be more pedestrian-friendly? You see the potential of your city but don’t exactly know where or how to start? You’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll...

Useful Guides And Tools for Walking

Are you looking for some expert knowledge on how to make your city pedestrian-friendly and encourage residents to walk more? Then you’re in the right place! From guides to handbooks and courses, you’ll get...

Useful Guides for Car-Free Cities

Want to reduce cars in your city? Here is a simple overview of all the useful guides, resources, manuals and links to help you get started – all in one place. Searching for the right...