community groups

Livia Urban Swart Haaland – How to Beat Red Tape with a Vision | CityChangers in Conversation

Livia Urban Swart Haaland, Founder of ØsterGRO Rooftop Farm, Copenhagen, talks with us about urban farming, green roofs and beating bureaucracy.

Making Urban Farms Happen: The Foodprint Lab

How to turn unused land into an urban farm? Ask The Foodprint Lab! Or use the land sharing platform Grow Here. Specialised in bringing urban agriculture into cities, this company – and the people...

#13 Cake, Brew and Mend

In our throwaway culture, binning a broken object and buying a replacement is often the easiest, and cheapest, solution. But the take-make-waste economy has serious costs – for the environment and for society. So, what...

A Match Made in the Garden: The Platform Connecting Urban Gardeners With a Place to Grow Their Own

How can cities unlock more land for urban agriculture when space comes at such a premium? For London based platform AllotMe, the solution starts with looking more closely at our own backyards. As any city...

From Emissions to Edens: Our Top 5 Car-Free Urban Transformations

Our cities have been constructed almost entirely around private cars. But what's happening now? Cities are realising that infrastructure for motor vehicles in urban areas often leaves them looking grey, industrial and not very...

Safety in Green Areas: It’s About People

Green areas are great; they have the potential to attract a city’s residents to enjoy nature, relax, and get some much-needed fresh air. Safety, though, is a large element of that enjoyment; so how...

Good Things Happen to Those Who Hustle – A Story of Cycling Advocacy in the City That Never Sleeps

When you think of New York, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Cycling is probably not on top of your list. It seems dangerous, especially for outsiders, but this is...

Urban Agriculture Projects in Europe

With the increase in cities’ populations comes the higher need for food in an, often dense, urban environment. How to best make use of the little space left, and feed the citizens with healthy,...

The Case for Sustainable Food Systems

Food is a funny, fickle friend... or is that foe? While we all need it, the industries concerned with producing, packing, distributing, and clearing up after foodstuff can make this dependency majorly problematic - for...

A Contributor’s Guide to CityChangers.org

Ready to hit the keys and share your story? Believe us, we’re just as excited as you are! Here’s a little guide on how to structure your knowledge and the story you’re telling, to...

CityChanger Katja Diehl: The Car Mobility Privilege and Why We Need to Restore City Justice

Human-centric mobility advocate Katja Diehl shared with us some of her insights into the car-free movement, the story behind her business and podcast ‘She Drives Mobility’, and her personal motivations for activism. Katja focuses...

From Creating Momentum for Pedestrians to Turning It Into Policy – How Rotterdam Made It Happen

It’s a long way from one person having an idea to a city fully implementing it on policy-level – Rotterdam’s story shows that it can be done, and how. We sat down with José...

Useful Tools and Guides for Greening

If our articles have lit the fire for greening in you, we suggest getting even more information and details here! Find and collect all the needed knowledge, information, and guidance in this list of...

When You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Own Neighbourhood – The Lack of Safety for Communities of Colour

Black individuals are 2,5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement on public surfaces, are often harassed at home by their neighbours, and only 22% of them feel they can safely bike...

Metamorphosis: An EU Project Where Children Are the Central Force Behind Change

When was the last time you saw children playing on the streets of your neighbourhood or heard their carefree, joyful laughter? Probably a long time ago. We seem to live in a society where...

Cars or Kids, Who’s King? How to Put Children Before Cars in City Planning

For the last century, there’s been an ongoing battle for city space between cars and children, which, for the most part, has been won by the former. Kids no longer have the right to...

How to Build a City for Women – and Why Cars Take a “Back Seat” in Feminist Urban Planning

Have our cities really been built with gender bias in their design? How did this happen, what does a "feminist" city really look like, and how can a female perspective in urban planning be...

CityChanger Kalpana Viswanath: Technology for Safety – How an App Is Giving Women a Sense of Security

There is one thing women all over the world have in common – fear. Fear of harassment and violence as soon as they enter public spaces. How to conquer this global issue? CityChanger Kalpana...