How to drive change in urban mobility

What’s the first thing you think about when it comes to urban mobility? There’s a multitude of options for moving around in cities – be it a bicycle, public transport, an e-scooter or your own pair of legs or wheels. In this section, we want to unravel the secret to making urban mobility more sustainable. It’s all about getting cars out of cities, promoting active travel (and by that, decreasing congestion, air pollution, and road fatalities), decarbonising city logistics, getting started on infrastructure improvements, and reallocating space to people. So, how do you want to get started?

How to...

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Recycling Highways: A New Perspective on Car-Free Cities

"In the 1950s we thought the car would save our cities, now we have to reverse it." We spoke to Senior Urbanist and expert city planner Paul Lecroart to find out more about what ‘recycling a highway’ really means,...

Pedalling Towards Change: The Case for Cargo Bikes in City Logistics

Cargo bikes and trikes are fast, flexible, they offer large storage capacity, and on top of all that, they produce zero tailpipe emissions. In other words, cargo bikes are the perfect fit for deliveries and parcel pick-ups in dense...
