
Food Trails: A Framework to Drive Change in European Urban Food Systems

This article was written for CityChangers.org by Siobhan Maderson, Food Trails Research Associate at Cardiff University, Wales. In it, she explains how the Food Trails project (of which Cardiff University is a partner) has...

Urban Agriculture Projects in Europe

With the increase in cities’ populations comes the higher need for food in an, often dense, urban environment. How to best make use of the little space left, and feed the citizens with healthy,...

Creating Safer Cities: Considerations for Gendered & Nighttime Design

If the design of urban spaces does not make us feel safe, it limits how we move around, engage with, and enjoy the city. This impacts women disproportionately, and even spaces that seem welcoming...

#5 The Unlikely Urban Planners

What would a city designed entirely by children look like? And what could it tell us about the cities we live in now – the good things and the bad? Academic Christina Ergler’s research into...

Building a Better Housing Model with the European Community Land Trust Network

Fulfilling the need for quality, affordable, future-proofed housing is one of our cities’ biggest challenges. Marginalised and low-income populations need the current system to change the most. Community Land Trusts offer an equitable and...

When You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Own Neighbourhood – The Lack of Safety for Communities of Colour

Black individuals are 2,5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement on public surfaces, are often harassed at home by their neighbours, and only 22% of them feel they can safely bike...

Metamorphosis: An EU Project Where Children Are the Central Force Behind Change

When was the last time you saw children playing on the streets of your neighbourhood or heard their carefree, joyful laughter? Probably a long time ago. We seem to live in a society where...

Gendered Issues in Urban Migration & Integration in European Cities

It’s a fact! Cities are designed by men for men. This skews power relations in the built environment and the systems that govern them, curtailing women’s social and economic mobility. Added to this, intersectional...

Policy Recommendations & Mechanisms That Support Urban Migrant Experiences

The challenges for migrants arriving in a new country seem endless. The more vulnerable their situation, and precarious their legal status, the deeper these problems run. Social and structural barriers and discrimination prevent newcomers...

Tools for Cities to Facilitate Migrant Integration in European Communities

In 2019, JPI Urban Europe established a call for research into urban migration in Europe, with the aim of understanding how it affects and is affected by the life and functioning of cities. As...

Challenges & Solutions for Migrant Housing in European Cities

In a hostile environment where migrants are denied access to the services and basic rights others enjoy, finding secure, quality, safe, and affordable long-term housing remains one of the biggest challenges. As where and...

Useful Guides to Cycling

Looking for a handy handbook on cycling? We’ve found some of the best freely available ones, saving you from ceaseless searches.  Sieving through the endless sheets of information on cycling can be overwhelming.  If you’re looking...

Water/Cooler Moments in the Age of Extreme Heat

As heatwaves become more frequent, we grow reliant on cities taking measures to provide relief. From fountains to pools to games, there are plenty of ways water offers comfort from rising temperatures. There is...

Five Major EU Projects on Cycling – and Their Key Takeaways

The European Union gives out funding worth millions of Euros each year. Luckily, a lot of these funds are spent on projects committed to the decrease of CO2 emissions and the increase of sustainable...

The Role of NGOs in Facilitating Migrant Integration in European Cities

JPI Urban Europe put out a call for projects researching urban migration in Europe. The outcome is a current knowledge base that gives insights into how migration impacts the lives and workings of a...

The Challenges of Urban Migration in European Cities

Migration is a complex and divisive topic. Multiple political, economic, social, even environmental factors contribute to the discourse – not to mention a minefield of misinformation. For better or worse, these influences affect migrants’...

Why is the Integration of Migrants Important in European Cities?

The recent research conducted in response to JPI Urban Europe’s Urban Migration call offers a greater understanding of what the arrival of new populations means for the functioning of European cities, and what forces...

Exactly What Is Urban Migration?

For two years from January 2021, eight research projects supported by JPI Urban Europe’s Urban Migration call looked into the state of migration in the context of Europe’s cities: who it involves, what their...