
Cooking Up Community: Transforming a Town Square into an Open Air Kitchen

This article is part of a paid collaboration between Urban Future and Pop Up City Amsterdam, implemented in the run-up to UF24 in Rotterdam. The featured "recipe", the Open Air Kitchen, is one of...

Just What is the Beef with Meat?

There’s a lot to be said for going vegan. That must be why they drone on about it all the time! Like other drones, don’t you wish they would just fly off? But let’s give...

CityChanger Ronni Kahn: Don’t Waste Food – Use It Up!

While people go hungry, there’s no justification for food waste – itself a massive contributor to destructive climate change emissions. What began as a one-woman mission to redistribute unwanted food has become a global...

Improving Cities Through Technology: Aude Vuilliomenet

When it comes to transforming cities, most think of implementing green spaces, retrofitting buildings, pedestrianising streets. It makes sense, when the bigger, tangible improvements are easily perceived by the eye. But what about microcontrollers?...