public authorities

#7 How to Move a City

How do you go about relocating an entire city? The community of Swedish city Kiruna has grown up around the biggest local employer - a mine. But as the pit threatens the town above it,...

#11 Night, Gov!

Life goes on after the sun goes down, so why should our cities stop? With more cities around the world creating night offices and appointing night mayors – we take a look at the potential...

How an Artist Will Improve Inclusion, Environmental & Communication Strategies

This article was written for CityChangers.org by Dr. Michael Shank, Director of Engagement with the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance. In it, he argues that it’s high time that creatives be brought in as a...

Cooking Up Community: Transforming a Town Square into an Open Air Kitchen

This article is part of a paid collaboration between Urban Future and Pop Up City Amsterdam, implemented in the run-up to UF24 in Rotterdam. The featured "recipe", the Open Air Kitchen, is one of...

The Secrets of Vancouver’s Rain City Strategy

Vancouver has undergone a blue-green infrastructure revolution. Its Rain City Strategy integrated nature making the city more resilient to fluctuations in rainfall. Behind it all is Melina Scholefield, a CityChanger with an impressive portfolio...

Urban Design Lessons We Must Learn from Communities in the Global South

Implementing spatial changes that benefit citizens isn’t a straightforward process. In many cities, there’s not a process for it at all! Or is there? The case of Muscat, in Oman, shows us that it...

CityChanger Katharina Schätz: How Positive Energy & Fighting Fear Enable Change-Making

In the world of sustainability, there’s an assumption that we all want the same change. Even for those of us who share this mindset, behaviours often don’t match, which can stall positive transitions. Katharina...

Food Trails: A Framework to Drive Change in European Urban Food Systems

This article was written for CityChangers.org by Siobhan Maderson, Food Trails Research Associate at Cardiff University, Wales. In it, she explains how the Food Trails project (of which Cardiff University is a partner) has...

CityChanger Betina Bergmann Madsen: Good Food and the Power of Procurement

From lab-grown meat to farming underground, there are plenty of bold new ideas promising to revolutionise our food system. But what can we do today? The city of Copenhagen is leading the way in...

Preventing Day Zero: Lessons from Cape Town

Day Zero: the moment a city’s water dries up completely. For Cape Town, this deadly scenario came too close, but it was averted thanks to collective action and decisive leadership. This story serves as...

Notable City: Tanga – Generating City-Wide Benefits by Boosting Youth Social Mobility

Through population growth and in-migration, cities are only going to increase in number and size. This presents a challenge: how do we ensure citizens’ needs are addressed adequately as urban environments sprawl at an...

From Emissions to Edens: Our Top 5 Car-Free Urban Transformations

Our cities have been constructed almost entirely around private cars. But what's happening now? Cities are realising that infrastructure for motor vehicles in urban areas often leaves them looking grey, industrial and not very...

Six Steps to Decarbonising Buildings

This article was written for CityChangers.org by Irene Garcia, Built Environment Lead, and Michael Shank, Director of Engagement, both with the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance. In it, they outline a six-step plan – illustrated...

Urban Agriculture Projects in Europe

With the increase in cities’ populations comes the higher need for food in an, often dense, urban environment. How to best make use of the little space left, and feed the citizens with healthy,...

Creating Safer Cities: Considerations for Gendered & Nighttime Design

If the design of urban spaces does not make us feel safe, it limits how we move around, engage with, and enjoy the city. This impacts women disproportionately, and even spaces that seem welcoming...

How to Attract Considerable Investment for Large-Scale Sustainable Initiatives

Finance is an unavoidable puzzle piece in making cities sustainable. With scaling a priority, leveraging enough money is a challenge. Too often, if forces us to focus on a single objective, when what we...

The Challenges of Creating a Sustainable Food System

We all need it, but many of us don’t have enough of it, and a lot of what we can get is bad for us. Up there with water and oxygen, food is one...

The Case for Sustainable Food Systems

Food is a funny, fickle friend... or is that foe? While we all need it, the industries concerned with producing, packing, distributing, and clearing up after foodstuff can make this dependency majorly problematic - for...