
A Contributor’s Guide to CityChangers.org

Ready to hit the keys and share your story? Believe us, we’re just as excited as you are! Here’s a little guide on how to structure your knowledge and the story you’re telling, to...

DearNeighbour: Cohesive Communities As the Driving Force of a Just Green Transition

This article was written for CityChangers.org by Eliza Barnea, Policy and Government Affairs Coordinator for IntreVecini, a Bucharest-based non-profit that empowers citizens to lead their own urban improvements. Using residents of urban condominiums as...

CityChanger Katja Diehl: The Car Mobility Privilege and Why We Need to Restore City Justice

Human-centric mobility advocate Katja Diehl shared with us some of her insights into the car-free movement, the story behind her business and podcast ‘She Drives Mobility’, and her personal motivations for activism. Katja focuses...

Are Public Festivals Damaging Urban Parks?

Because of the population density, cities are a concentration of the best and worst of everyday human behaviour. Nowhere is this more evident than at celebrations that infringe on urban parks. With the warmer weather of...

#10 The Resilient City

‘Resilience’ has become something of a buzzword these days – not just in terms of a desirable personality trait but also something companies and even cities can aspire to. But what does it look...

Green Finance Institute: Accelerating Retrofits Through Investment

Retrofitting Europe’s built environment would drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and position us closer to climate goals. It’s a tantalisingly tangible but costly outlook, and progress is slow. To change this, the Green Finance...

A Just Transition: Raising Workers’ Rights in the Built Environment’s Transformation

As the construction and manufacturing industries undergo a transformation to new and better ways of delivering the built spaces we need, a hidden majority is often overlooked: the sector’s workers. It’s right that we...

Train Drain: Why We Shouldn’t (Always) Travel Sustainably

Sustainability needs a warning label. The somewhat tongue in cheek Godwin’s law suggests that in any online discussion going on long enough, someone will make a comparison with the Nazis. In a similar way, it...

Tactile Paving: Improving Accessibility Through Design

If you ever happen to look down while walking city streets, you may have noticed that there’s a whole world of design beneath our feet. Blind and partially sighted people face barriers and dangers while...

#8 Citizens, Assemble!

Elected officials make decisions that affect millions of people, but beyond voting every few years, what say do citizens really have? Maybe democracy needs a tune-up. Citizens’ Assemblies – a sort of lottery promising better representation...

What Went Wrong with the Paris Referendum On E-Scooters?

Micromobility has an image problem. In Paris, a mix of poor planning and bad user habits came to a head as the public voted for e-scooters to be banned. Mobility expert Dagmara Wrzesińska’s outspoken...

CityChanger Ronni Kahn: Don’t Waste Food – Use It Up!

While people go hungry, there’s no justification for food waste – itself a massive contributor to destructive climate change emissions. What began as a one-woman mission to redistribute unwanted food has become a global...

From Creating Momentum for Pedestrians to Turning It Into Policy – How Rotterdam Made It Happen

It’s a long way from one person having an idea to a city fully implementing it on policy-level – Rotterdam’s story shows that it can be done, and how. We sat down with José...

Useful Tools and Guides for Greening

If our articles have lit the fire for greening in you, we suggest getting even more information and details here! Find and collect all the needed knowledge, information, and guidance in this list of...

CityChanger Balin Koyunoglu: Creating Resilient Cities Through Rewilding

Humans and wildlife have much in common. Urban sprawl deprives both of the resources, protection, and environmental stability that the natural world offers. Rewilding cities can reverse these fortunes. We explore what’s to gain...

When You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Own Neighbourhood – The Lack of Safety for Communities of Colour

Black individuals are 2,5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement on public surfaces, are often harassed at home by their neighbours, and only 22% of them feel they can safely bike...

Metamorphosis: An EU Project Where Children Are the Central Force Behind Change

When was the last time you saw children playing on the streets of your neighbourhood or heard their carefree, joyful laughter? Probably a long time ago. We seem to live in a society where...

Cars or Kids, Who’s King? How to Put Children Before Cars in City Planning

For the last century, there’s been an ongoing battle for city space between cars and children, which, for the most part, has been won by the former. Kids no longer have the right to...