How to Make Public Spaces Inclusive for an Ageing Society

How does the design of public spaces influence mental health? Could urban design reduce isolation and loneliness and increase accessibility and mobility? “Rosario is also its older adults”, a pilot project in Rosario, Sante Fe, Argentina, taps into the hidden potential of inclusive cities...

EU TalentOn: 104 Young Scientists Hack Societal Challenges

This article was written for by Elizaveta Fakirova, a PhD candidate and researcher in the field of urban green infrastructure governance at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Here she shares a personal experience of the intensive solution-focussed EU TalentOn programme, where young...

Guide to Natural Materials in Construction: More Than Hobbit Houses and Mud Huts

Deep in the depths of the construction world, among the steel, cement and concrete, there are materials hidden, just waiting to be utilised. We’ve put together this guide exhibiting some of the main natural construction materials along with a few facts, figures, and important...

Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay: Sustainable Building Meets Greenery

Gardens by the Bay: an award-winning green haven in the middle of Singapore. With its iconic architecture, innovative use of technologies, environmental sustainability, and horticultural displays, Singapore has established itself as one of our notable cities. As 2022 marks the Gardens 10th anniversary, we...

Facts & Figures on Cycling

It is probably no surprise to you that cycling is a great thing to do. But do you have all the facts you need to convince even the most car-loving person to switch to the bicycle?  This article will provide you with key facts and...

How to Create Housing for Vulnerable Groups

We need to provide housing for everyone in our cities, including the most vulnerable groups. Doing so encourages social cohesion, promotes wellbeing, and ultimately makes our cities better places. The question is: how can we create housing for vulnerable groups? And what aspects do...

Geography Matters: Regional Requirements for Retrofitting

Surprisingly, geography has a big part to play in the renovations we make to our built environment. Elements around the world pose different problems. While one city experiences flooding, another is dealing with desertification. Red-hot or ice-cold – wherever there are humans craving comfort,...

Guarantee It: The Right to Adequate Housing

Access to adequate housing is a human right. And yet, we are still struggling to accommodate everyone in our cities. To understand why – and ultimately resolve this issue – we need to take a deep dive. Let’s explore the history, conditions, and issues...

Architectural Design and Climate Mitigation & Adaptation

“It’s not just about water, not just about heat. It’s about humans and nature and how our cities function holistically and work together.” - Jeremy Anterola With cities becoming more populated and the growing demand for housing, many are still pushing the question of how...

Driving Change on a Local Level: Mathis Dippon

Young Leader Mathis Dippon is convinced that change is best driven on a local level. This conviction motivates him to design, plan, and constantly re-imagine events that help communities tackle current and future challenges. We sat down with Mathis to learn more about his...

Chatting Your Way to Change: Jaffer Muljiani

Sustainability enthusiasts, city champions and urban development nuts, look no further. We’ve found a true zealot of all things urban: Jaffer Muljiani. From growing up in Muscat, Oman to becoming a ‘real’ Londoner, working as a sustainability consultant and recently being the youngest appointee...

CityChanger Jason Roberts: A Coral Reef of Community

Every neighbourhood has the potential to become a wonderful place to live - a city block with vibrant streets, romantic lights, bookstores and cafés! In a lot of communities, this potential is simply too hidden for the residents to see. We talked to CityChanger...

The Social Benefits of Retrofitting

While marketing it as a decent money saver, we rarely focus on the social benefits of retrofitting. Does that mean that they’re so minute as to be obsolete or do we just need a shift in perspective? One thing is for sure, we should be...

How to Innovate Retrofitting

With so many properties failing to meet contemporary energy efficiency standards, much needs to be done to save occupants from needless discomfort and expense. There are plenty of mainstream retrofit concepts, but what about something different? takes a sideways look at how you...

Lyon Confluence: How a District is Retrofitting Heritage Buildings

SPL Lyon Confluence is carrying out a stand-out urban renewal project in a once-deprived district of central Lyon. Project Manager Etienne Vignali describes how this offers a significantly chance to undertake a large-scale decarbonisation masterplan in an area packed full of social, private, and...

The Bigger Picture: How to Lead City-Wide Change

Adapting our buildings to be future-proof, incorporating greenery, using more sustainable materials: these are all great steps and ones to be encouraged. But, what about the bigger picture? If overall city development, urban planning, and wholescale change are your thing, stick around to get...

Food for Thought: Facts & Figures

Food is a massive and complex matter. In nature, food chains have to find a balance to prevent ecosystems from collapsing. Our human-made food network is no different. As the statistics show, a sustainable future concerns much more than what – and how much...

The Pains and Gains of Cycle Lanes

Building a cycling network? Here’s everything you need – not just the pains and gains, but also the brains behind cycle lanes and the knacks behind cycle tracks. No cycling city is complete without at least a few cycle routes. Colloquially, most refer to all...