From Enemy to Ally? How to Share Bike-Lanes With E-Scooters

They endanger pedestrians, they are annoying, and people throw them away like garbage: E-scooters. Many citizens, especially pedestrians and cyclists, do not care for them. But let’s be clear: the potential of e-scooters is high, and we need to find a way to include...

Walking: Facts & Figures

Sedentary behaviour has become part of our everyday lives. It’s dangerous for our health, wellbeing, the environment, and the economy. Walking provides an antidote. But what do you really know about the wonders of walking? And just how can it benefit your city? From...

Eurotowns: Big Enough to Cope, Small Enough to Care

If you think that only big cities can substantially contribute to sustainability efforts, you couldn’t be further from the truth. A network of small- and medium-sized European cities shows you exactly what can be done and how they are big enough to cope and...

How to Organise a Productive Debate on Housing

Debates about housing can be frustrating. People point fingers, refuse to listen, or simply aren’t interested at all. The International Social Housing Festival (ISHF) addresses this problem. Its aim: organise a productive debate on housing and engage everyone. We sat down with Sina Rasilainen,...

Water Facts & Figures

Water impacts on everything we do, so the problems that mount from handling it poorly are many and varied. To help contextualise the importance of H20 to populous places, we bring you some of the choicest water facts and stats about its many uses...

How Bogotá Became Latin America’s Cycling Capital

Despite being ranked as the world’s most congested city, bicycles in Bogotá are blooming. This is the remarkable story of how the bicycle weaved its way through – and how it shook up social statuses and the sound of Sundays in Colombia’s capital.    Bogotá’s Bicycle Story:...

Mud: Fact File

Half of the world’s population is living in mud constructions. And we can understand why. Take a look at the following facts, primary building methods, and the main uses of earth in construction to find out how the very substance beneath our feet can...

Sustainable Construction: Facts & Figures

It’s always important to know your stuff and be able to back it up with solid data. That’s why we’ve collated all the essential facts and figures on sustainable construction that you CityChangers might need. These will be sure to get your adversaries thinking...

Food-Water-Energy Nexus Glossary

There's a lot to the food-water-energy nexus. From too little to too much, and how we manage these extremes and everything in between - it can be difficult to keep up with it all. So, we've put together a helpful list for some of...

Unusual Homes from Around the Globe

If you think prefab houses are revolutionary, check this out! Homes produced by an advanced soft serve ice cream machine and houses floating thanks to an ancient Greek principle – these and other unusual homes are what we’ve got in store for you. As our...

Flora Robotica: The Future of Growing Your Own House?

Let’s talk hypothetically – what if we had the ability to grow our own houses? Out of plants? No greenhouse gas emissions, no grey concrete, no building-material waste, no heat island effects. Wouldn’t it be amazing? Good news: a project working in this direction...

Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste with SeRaMCo

Is there a market for recycled concrete? This was such a sizeable question that the EU part-funded a multi-million-Euro project to find out. Leading SeRaMCo, Christian Glock set out to ascertain how construction and demolition waste can be put to good use. We caught...

Better Together: How Cities Can Collaborate for Faster, More Effective Climate Action

This article was written by and for the C40 Knowledge Hub, which delivers cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities for others working in city government. It was originally published here in September 2020. We’re featuring the article with kind permission by the C40 Knowledge Hub. Collaborating...

The Challenge of Creating More Space in Dense Cities

The growing population of urban dwellers has an archenemy: space. Many cities don’t have enough of it. Or so it seems. Creating more space in dense cities is a tricky (yet possible) task. Below we’ve summarised some of the challenges you may stumble across. Even...

Making Change Happen: Who to Involve and How to Get Them on Board

Wherever you’re at in your change-making journey, there’s no doubt that you’re going to need a bit of help somewhere along the line. In fact, it’s safe to say you won’t be able to implement the drastic, much needed changes our cities need without...

Keeping Distance With Footpath Existence! How Dublin Used The Covid Pandemic to Boost Walkability

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we move. It has highlighted the need to reallocate space and take a new perspective on city planning. Early in 2020, Dublin set a plan in motion to boost active mobility and make the Irish capital...

CityChanger Mikaela Åberg: Drottninghög’s Neighbourhood Revival

As an urban developer, Mikaela Åberg improves lives in one of Helsingborg’s most socially deprived districts: Drottninghög. Just a month before she is due to speak at the UF22 conference, this CityChanger tells us what led her here, why neighbourhoods like this matter, and...

Urban Agriculture Projects in Europe

With the increase in cities’ populations comes the higher need for food in an, often dense, urban environment. How to best make use of the little space left, and feed the citizens with healthy, fresh food? These EU projects are working on the solutions! In...