How Cities Can Build with Timber… Responsibly

Biobased materials can deliver buildings that are both low-carbon and fit residents’ needs: robust, resilient, and pleasant to be in. They can allow us to ‘partner’ with the natural world too, supporting the forest ecosystems we need, as a planet, to act as vital...

CityChanger Dominik Campanella: Accelerating Circularity with Data

Digitisation of the construction sector is an important step. It will simplify and streamline material reuse and carbon emission reduction. But this takes brains, cooperation between computing and construction, and a personal determination to create a circular economy regardless of how hard the journey...

CityChanger Michaela Maresch: Lessons in Modular Construction

Modular construction is emerging as a quick and reliable way to build new houses. Although these usually conform to a template, rolled out in their hundreds, Michaela Maresch had the guts to rethink the genre. As co-founder of COMMOD HOUSE in Graz, Austria, this...

CityChanger Heinrich Strößenreuther: Founder of Climate & Cycling Referendums

If we seriously intend to limit global warming, we need more people like Heinrich Strößenreuther. This cycling and climate activist and serial NGO founder specialises in street-level change, and he’s using the political system to do it. The beauty of Heinrich’s methods – cycling...

CityChanger Birgit Rusten on Sustainable Architecture and Pilot Projects

Making your city’s buildings sustainable is a big aspiration and not easy. However, one thing that definitely helps are powerful examples of architecture that showcase the immense possibilities this field holds. One expert for these examples is CityChanger Birgit Rusten, who talked with us...

Climate What? Choose Your Words Carefully

In the realm of climate change and sustainability, how much do the words we use matter? A lot. As any linguist will tell you, language shapes our relationship with the world around us. Recently, a colleague made me aware of research into the phrases and tone...

How Cities Can Shift Power to the Youth

This article was written for by Dr. Michael Shank, adjunct faculty at New York University and George Mason University. In it, he argues that cities stuck in the business-as-usual rut can hand the reins to a politically- and eco-minded youth – a generation...

From the Linear to the Circular: How Guelph-Wellington is Closing the Circle on Food Waste

What would it take to create the first truly circular food economy? In Southwestern Ontario, Canada, the small city of Guelph and the surrounding county of Wellington have set themselves the goal of finding out, with promising results. What do a fillet of breaded...

Notable City: São Paulo – Water Challenges Along the Class Divide

São Paulo is a tale of two cities. A broken relationship with water has created a litany of challenges, which hit the sprawling favelas harder than the wealthy centre. The Secretary of Urbanism is showing how intelligent and integrated plans for water-sensitive cities can...

Challenges of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus

While the food-water-energy nexus offers great advantages on one hand, on the other it’s important to keep in mind this system is not yet widely acknowledged, so it naturally comes with some hurdles. Read about the most typical FWE challenges here for your head...

Notable City Haarlem: Advertising a Better Food Future

In 2021, the city of Haarlem, in the Netherlands, submitted a draft to became the first city in the world to ban meat advertising in public spaces. The move was a lightning rod for media interest from around the globe. But, while backlash from...

Gendered Issues in Urban Migration & Integration in European Cities

It’s a fact! Cities are designed by men for men. This skews power relations in the built environment and the systems that govern them, curtailing women’s social and economic mobility. Added to this, intersectional factors – and for migrants the specifics of a legal...

Ömer Arslan – CityChanger With a Forklift

Ömer Arslan is Director of Operations at Bouwhub Amsterdam, Amsterdam’s first for profit construction consolidation centre. Find out how he turned a forklift on a piece of land into a fully fledged construction logistics hub. "Should I Quit My Job?" An industrial engineer by...

The Art of Persuasion: How to Involve Residents in Retrofitting

Why aren’t we retrofitting more? There’s an unarguable case in favour, after all. Something must be holding us back. The problem is that property owners are just not that engaged in the movement. It has to change. So, what methods have been proven to...

Problem Solving and the Art of the Reframe

This article was written by Leon Voon, Lead Designer & Co-Head at Experience Strategy Design, Government Technology Agency of Singapore, and was originally published on Apolitical, the global learning platform for government. It was originally published here in September 2020. We’re featuring the article with kind permission by Leon...

Aleksandr Vlasov: Improving Soviet Cities with Comfort, Heritage & Design

Does history affect our relationship with cities? According to Young Leader Aleksandr Vlasov, the Soviet era has left a modernist mark on social attitudes and the physical makeup of Russia’s urban spaces. Thankfully, up-and-coming designers and planners like him are taking on the challenge...

The Case for the Food-Water-Energy Nexus: How Cities Benefit

It’s about synergy of sectors – not competition – for sustainable use of given resources. We’re talking about the FWE nexus. Food, Water, and Energy “are highly interconnected: water is required for almost all forms of energy production and supply, energy is required to...

The Life-Sized City x Luc Ferrandez, Montréal

How did Projet Montréal emerge from the neighborhoods to being a dominant, city-wide political force? How can we acknowledge the value of public space? And how does this go hand in hand with gentrification? Life-Sized City partnered up with for a series of inspirational...