Mariano Trevino produces The CityChangers Podcast. Listen in on your favourite podcast provider or visit:
When it comes to reducing food waste, Matt Homewood isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. As Instagram’s An Urban Harvester, he’s amassed a sizeable following documenting the shocking amount of edible food supermarkets send to the bin on a regular basis. It’s no job for those with queasy...
How can changing the way we store and preserve our food reduce waste in the interests of a more sustainable future? And what do cities have to do with it? We unpack these questions and more to explain why food packaging as we know it might be past its...
Christopher Leow has spent more than a decade working in Singapore’s burgeoning urban agriculture industry. We chat to him about his unique journey, why growing in the city continues to gain ground, and the need for bravery when it comes to cultivating your own urban garden.
To say that Christopher...
From farming fish in high-tech warehouses to growing mushrooms under city streets, interest in urban agriculture is well and truly coming into season. But producing food in urban areas is nothing new, and there’s much to be learned from those who’ve been doing it for a long time. We...
Would you eat misshapen fruit or vegetables to save our planet? Portuguese co-op Fruta Feia successfully diverts ‘ugly’ produce from waste streams by buying it directly from farmers and selling it to customers in cities around the country. Its biggest takeaway? Consumers might be less superficial than we think.
From lab-grown meat to farming underground, there are plenty of bold new ideas promising to revolutionise our food system. But what can we do today? The city of Copenhagen is leading the way in making food more sustainable, and its secret weapon is as old as the act of...
What will the farms of the future look like in an increasingly urbanised world? We take a trip to the Zukunftshof, a pioneering initiative in Austria that wants to model a more sustainable approach to urban development with a focus on agriculture at its heart.
From vertical farms to...
How can cities unlock more land for urban agriculture when space comes at such a premium? For London based platform AllotMe, the solution starts with looking more closely at our own backyards.
As any city dweller knows, no property is created equal. Unless you count yourself among the very wealthy,...
In 2021, the city of Haarlem, in the Netherlands, submitted a draft to became the first city in the world to ban meat advertising in public spaces. The move was a lightning rod for media interest from around the globe. But, while backlash from some corners was swift, the...
What would it take to create the first truly circular food economy? In Southwestern Ontario, Canada, the small city of Guelph and the surrounding county of Wellington have set themselves the goal of finding out, with promising results.
What do a fillet of breaded steelhead trout, a side of...
The French capital’s ambitious vision for urban agriculture is in full bloom. We take a look at the city’s signature Parisculteurs programme to understand why its unique approach is receiving world-wide attention.
From ‘the city of light’ to the ‘the city of love’, Paris is known by many names. These...
Will humans stomach a different diet to create a more sustainable future? And what can cities do to alter our eating habits? We take a look at the meat and potatoes of changing what we eat and how this process is transforming the urban environment.
You Are What You Eat
Waste not, want not – why not? Changing the way we manage food waste is an important step toward improving the global food system and making the cities we live in more sustainable. A small job it ain’t, but that’s not to say it isn’t worth doing. Read on...
Can growing food in urban environments help to nourish an increasingly hungry world without sacrificing the planet in the process? As more and more of us discover the joys of a green thumb, we investigate the case for imagining a different kind of growth and productivity in our cities.