The Life-Sized City x Jennifer Keesmaat, Toronto

Did you ever wonder about how much of city planning is actually planning, and how much is fixing? How do you plan for the fastest-growing city in North America and re-design streets for pedestrians, not cars? Life-Sized City partnered up with for a series...

“20 Minute Neighbourhoods” With James Mant | Moments of Clarity

Moments of Clarity is a podcast that aims to gather personal and collective insights through conversations that explore the values and beliefs that unite us. In his 29th episode, Mattew Sortino speaks with James Mant. James is a town planner and passionate urbanist...

The Life-Sized City x Santiago Uribe Rocha, Medellin

Medellín - a city where large-scale visionary urban transformation is the norm. But how do you get started with transformations like these? Do you get the ball rolling by acknowledging a city's manyfold challenges? And how do social inclusion and transportation go together? Life-Sized City...

London’s Road to Recovery: Car-Free After COVID

On deciding how to emerge from the global pandemic, London announced it was going to build back a healthier and safer city by making drastic improvements to its walking and cycling infrastructure. It now hopes to create the biggest car-free zone in the world...

The Life-Sized City x Mara Scollo, Milan

How do you translate bottom-up change to an administrative level? How can road space be shared, and how can parents and kids feel safe on their bikes? This is exactly what Massa Marmocchi does. It helps parents and their kids to safely cycle to...

Is Your City for People or Cars? | Cornelia Dinca | TEDxJacksonville

In the 21st century, we are witnessing the erosion of the “human” habitat. Too many American cities are designed in ways that instigate fear, isolation and insecurity. As an engineer and urban planner, Cornelia Dinca will draw on her own experiences in Amsterdam to...

CityChanger Sophie Mirpourian: Creative Ways to Listen

Being heard makes us feel valued and identifies priorities for change, but municipalities struggle to do it well. CityChanger and creative Sophie Mirpourian tells us how her idea to use a portable townhall - the Tiny Rathaus - opened a productive dialogue between administration...

How to Build a City for Women – and Why Cars Take a “Back Seat” in Feminist Urban Planning

Have our cities really been built with gender bias in their design? How did this happen, what does a "feminist" city really look like, and how can a female perspective in urban planning be imperative to creating liveable, sustainable and happy cities? Every day we...

The World on Your Doorstep: The 15-Minute City and Why We Should Be Creating It

A 15-minute city is simply a place where all basic amenities are available within a short journey by foot or bike. But what is the idea behind it, what does it mean for reducing the dominance of the car, and could it be the...

CityChanger Dusty Gedge: “A City Has the Responsibility to Deliver Real, Meaningful Biodiversity”

A circus performer, an actor, and a birdwatcher – becoming the name in the field of green roofs certainly wasn’t on Dusty’s agenda. The current President of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations reflected with us on the path that led...

The Case for Changing The Way We Eat

Will humans stomach a different diet to create a more sustainable future? And what can cities do to alter our eating habits? We take a look at the meat and potatoes of changing what we eat and how this process is transforming the urban...

Africa’s Unconventional Architect: Rajae Haissouss

Architects become famous for their inventive structures and controversial designs. But for Rajae Haissouss, satisfaction comes from adding value to the community. Aspiring to use her talents for good, this Young Leader is raising the profile of sustainability and stakeholder engagement in architecture through...

How to Make Cities Resilient With the Food-Water-Energy Nexus

While the case for the FWE nexus concept is relatively clear to make in a theoretical, academic context, translating it to urban reality can be a struggle. Against a backdrop of climate change, urban population growth, and global supply chains that are limited in...

Unplanned Urbanism and the Feminist City: Sharee Hochman

What makes a CityChanger? Young Leader Sharee Hochman proves that it’s not an academic background or a position in city administration, but personal qualities like compassion coupled with good ideas and a desire to make a difference is what it truly takes. Here Sharee...

Mobility As a Service: Why and How?

This article was written for by Rita Prior Filipe, a PhD student at the Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bath, UK. Rita is currently researching the concept of Mobility as a Service as a way of...

Communicator and Collaborator: Andrew Amos

Great communication, determination, vision, curiosity, and eagerness to learn are all qualities that make up a good urban planner and a CityChanger. Qualities that this Young Leader possesses without a doubt. As an Urban Designer at ClarkeHopkinsClarke in Australia, Andrew Amos is passionate about finding...

CityChanger Katja Diehl: The Car Mobility Privilege and Why We Need to Restore City Justice

Human-centric mobility advocate Katja Diehl shared with us some of her insights into the car-free movement, the story behind her business and podcast ‘She Drives Mobility’, and her personal motivations for activism. Katja focuses on fostering diversity, making women and other marginalised groups within...

Improving Cities Through Technology: Aude Vuilliomenet

When it comes to transforming cities, most think of implementing green spaces, retrofitting buildings, pedestrianising streets. It makes sense, when the bigger, tangible improvements are easily perceived by the eye. But what about microcontrollers? Artificial inteligence? These have a great impact on how we...