22 Years of Putting Pedestrians First – Lessons Learnt From Portland

With its first pedestrian plan having been published in 1998 and its recent update spanning over 300+ pages, Portland, Oregon is one of the cities spearheading walkability in the US. We sat down with Michelle Marx, Portland’s pedestrian coordinator, on lessons learned, challenges faced,...

How to Involve Stakeholders in the Food-Water-Energy Nexus

If you want a say in what happens within your city, the food-water-energy nexus is a perfect opportunity. It impacts almost every aspect of our lives and every function of our cities. Involving as many stakeholders as possible, via cross-societal and multidisciplinary engagement, we...

CityChanger Florian Lorenz: A Perfect City Is an Unfinished One

Urban planning can no longer be business as usual, and cities need to allow for the necessary innovation to tackle the world’s environmental problems. We talked about these topics, among others, with Florian Lorenz, ecologist, landscape architect, and activist. Florian Lorenz is not only an...

CityChanger Kalpana Viswanath: Technology for Safety – How an App Is Giving Women a Sense of Security

There is one thing women all over the world have in common – fear. Fear of harassment and violence as soon as they enter public spaces. How to conquer this global issue? CityChanger Kalpana Viswanath took the technical approach and co-created an app that...

Tactile Paving: Improving Accessibility Through Design

If you ever happen to look down while walking city streets, you may have noticed that there’s a whole world of design beneath our feet. Blind and partially sighted people face barriers and dangers while walking that other people wouldn’t even consider. Raised curbs, road...

Water & Data – the Modern Gold: Narjis Zehra

Narjis Zehra is a go-getter, a visionary, a people person, and definitely a Young Leader to keep an eye on. Despite being only 23 years old, coming from a place where people are fighting over the very thing needed for survival, she knows the...

Vienna’s Green Voice: Peter Kraus

As a City Council Member for the Green Party, Peter Kraus makes waves in the Austrian capital Vienna with his persistent campaigning for climate-friendly, people-focussed policy. At just 34, he is already a non-executive city councillor and a member of the Viennese state government....

CityChanger Bronwen Thornton: Celebrating Walkable Cities

With a background in architecture and sociology, Bronwen Thornton started her career in government, keenly interested in social justice issues. Attending the Walk21 conference in 2001, she had an epiphany – walking is where it all comes together. Now that she is CEO of...

Green Gentrification: Why, How & Who?

Lately, it seems ‘climate justice’, ‘eco-gentrification’, and ‘green gentrification’ are the most used terms in the realm of sustainability. Whatever the phrase, gentrification is not an easy matter for discussion. Why that is the case, its consequences, and how to tackle it, Stephen Wheeler...

Bohemian Learning for Students: Sussex Roots

This group of students has decided to take matters – or shovels, to be precise – into their own hands. Students at the University of Sussex have established their own community garden, determined to get fresh air, learn new skills, create a stronger community,...

The Case for Reducing Food Waste

Waste not, want not – why not? Changing the way we manage food waste is an important step toward improving the global food system and making the cities we live in more sustainable. A small job it ain’t, but that’s not to say it...

Stroll the City: How to Get Communities Walking

Cities are still failing to cater for pedestrians and we’re struggling to get communities walking as a result. When it comes to implementing change, stakeholder backing greases the wheels and a coordinated bunch of folks can be an unstoppable force. But how can we...

From Creating Momentum for Pedestrians to Turning It Into Policy – How Rotterdam Made It Happen

It’s a long way from one person having an idea to a city fully implementing it on policy-level – Rotterdam’s story shows that it can be done, and how. We sat down with José Besselink, urban planner and Chief Editor of Rotterdam Walks 2025,...

How Can We Use Behavioural Insights to Engage People?

This article was written by Emma Sisk for Apolitical, the global learning platform for government. It was originally published here in August 2020. We’re featuring the article with kind permission by Apolitical. A majority of people across most OECD countries do not trust their government. In 2018, the organisation went so far...

Renovating Makes Cents: How to Retrofit on a Budget

Realistically, for a shot at halting climate change, we need to make buildings more efficient, big time, with widespread retrofit rollouts in the next few years! Regardless of good intentions, that’s not easy without disposable cash. So, how can we possibly improve older buildings...

Modern Methods of Construction: Common Challenges and Solutions

If the question is ‘how do we build enough to house our growing populations?’, some espouse modern methods of construction as the answer. Although MMC promises cleaner construction and improved comfort for residents, uptake is still relatively understated. We caught up with Trina Chakravarti... An Introduction

A place to get inspired, learn, share ideas and knowledge, and connect with the world's most inspiring urban voices: This is what we want to be for you. Welcome to your new online home base! Here’s a short introduction to what we’ve prepared...

How to Advocate for Your Goals

On, you can find several success stories about cycling advocates, effective car-free campaigns and people advocating for a more liveable neighbourhood. Advocating for your goal is a crucial skill in changing your city for the better – here’s all we learned about it. If...