
Anni Sinnemäki – How to Play the Political Game (And Win) | CityChangers in Conversation

“It’s really nice to see that things get done, even the smaller things,” says Anni Sinnemäki, Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment in Helsinki. Listen to her advice when it comes to car-free cities, politics, and getting it done through passion.

Sofa Session #2: Pathways to Your Dream Job

So, you want to change your city for the better! But where and how do you start? And more importantly, how do you build a career out of it? Luckily, cities offer a universe of opportunities these days. Tune in to hear what legends...

A Touch of Dutch: Cohousing Advice from Vrijburcht

The cohousing project Vrijburcht in Amsterdam was built almost two decades ago. Despite the many difficulties that have cropped up along the way, Vrijburcht has stood the test of time and – over the years – benefitted from a lot of valuable lessons. Menno...

Timo Perälä: Making Politicians Walk the Walk

As President of the Winter Cycling Federation, Timo’s aim is to make cities active all year round. He talks about cycling at -30C, the broken gym culture and making politicians practice what they preach.   Timo’s Story: The Miracle of Year-Round Cycling  “I never thought I was a...

The Challenges of Sustainable Construction

Encouraging people to change the way they’ve always done things is never going to be easy. While calls to construct buildings more sustainably may be met with scoffs and points to the price tag, there’s so much more to it than that. Challenges to...

The Challenges of Improving Housing

Housing is a complex issue. Depending on what aspect of it you want to change, you will come across many different challenges. Whether you want to make housing affordable, tackle homelessness, or promote new ways of living, we have worked hard to collate all the...

School-Proof Ways of Getting Children Cycling to Class

Trying to encourage children to cycle to school? Follow these tried and tested ideas, and you’ll be sure to pass with flying colours!  Why Cycling Comes Top of the Class  Although convenient, driving to school by car has its downsides. If there are too many cars,...

Are Public Festivals Damaging Urban Parks?

Because of the population density, cities are a concentration of the best and worst of everyday human behaviour. Nowhere is this more evident than at celebrations that infringe on urban parks. With the warmer weather of summer, people strip themselves sartorially, and apparently of a sense...

CityChanger Betina Bergmann Madsen: Good Food and the Power of Procurement

From lab-grown meat to farming underground, there are plenty of bold new ideas promising to revolutionise our food system. But what can we do today? The city of Copenhagen is leading the way in making food more sustainable, and its secret weapon is as...

CityChanger Clara Muzzio: “It’s Thrilling to Realise People Value the Change You Bring to Their Street”

Clara Muzzio is the minister of public space and urban hygiene in Buenos Aires and a firm believer in the transformative power of the public space and its relevance to urban life. She’s been involved in making Buenos Aires a greener and more inclusive...

Where to Start with Urban Water Management

Concerned with how to kick off a better water culture in your city? Whether your region is blighted by too much or too little, our guides are packed full of ideas to get you started. And the best part is, everyone can do something,...

Urban Gardening in Bustling Cities

As the desire for eating healthy, fresh, organic and home-grown produce grows, naturally so does the desire for gardening. But where to garden when you live in a densely populated city? Urban gardens offer the perfect escape from a busy, crowded environment to a...

Saviour of Your Health or Saviour of the World? How to Frame Cycling Campaigns

Promoting cycling as beneficial should be an easy task: It’s good for the environment and keeps you healthy. The question, however, is which focus proves to be successful when advocating for cycling. Which cycling campaigns convince us to finally ditch our cars and embrace...

Oslo: The Journey to Car-Free | Streetfilms

Founded in 2006, Streetfilms produces short films showing how smart transportation design and policy can result in better places to live, work and play. With currently around 600 Streetfilms being available to watch, share, and download, it has become the go-to organization for educational...

Useful Guides for Car-Free Cities

Want to reduce cars in your city? Here is a simple overview of all the useful guides, resources, manuals and links to help you get started – all in one place. Searching for the right guides about how to reclaim your city space from cars...

Urban Noise – Nuisance or Necessity?

Proving humans’ unparalleled capability for confounding logic, the daylight hours of 31 December in Graz were punctuated with the whizz-pop of fireworks. The magical glittery hues may have been lost to an unseasonal sunny backdrop, but their voices were far from hushed. Come midnight, and...

Why Controversy Matters: An Intro to Our Editorials has introduced this series of editorials as a chance for our writing team and guests to air personal opinions on the problems, solutions, and lived experiences in our urban spaces. In this first piece, we suggest that it’s important to hear and respond...

CityChanger Orna Rosenfeld: “I Created My Job Because I Believed in Something”

Do you want to drive change in cities but can’t find a role that allows you to do so? Why not be like our CityChanger Dr Orna Rosenfeld and create your own job? Tackling the housing affordability crisis, advising international banks, and passing on knowledge...