How Oslo Hit Reverse On Its City Street Parking and Revived City Life – and How Your City Can Too

Oslo is one of the world leaders when it comes to going car-free. Its downtown city area is now almost completely free of cars. But how did this city manage to succeed in getting rid of private vehicles in its innermost urban areas, and...

Yann Moszynski – How to Help People Get on Their Bikes | CityChangers in Conversation

Yann Moszynski, Co-Founder & Art-Director of Les Rookies, Paris, talks with us about urban mobility, cycling and getting started.

How to Engage Socially Deprived Neighbourhoods

Stakeholder engagement can be challenging at any time but initiating open, constructive dialogue with socially deprived neighbourhoods has its own set of obstacles. Urban Designer Mikaela Åberg has a decade of experience in creating such collaboration and has share with some top tips...

Data & Policy: Interpreting the Food-Water-Energy Nexus

The food-water-energy nexus is complex. People and organisations are funnels for the details that allow us to unravel the puzzle. This information they give sheds light on the interconnected domains and how we can use them to create more resilient cities. But how can...

Pedestrian Policy – How to Create a Walking Strategy for Your City

Making a city pedestrian-friendly is no easy task. You need the policies to back you up, you need a strategy for your city that outlines exactly what you want to achieve and the actions that need to be taken to increase walkability. But what...

Turn a New Leaf: How to Change Behaviour

Initiating a high-impact project is one thing, but what good is it if no one participates? Convincing others to get onboard is about more than just handing them a list of benefits; it’s about changing often deeply ingrained behaviours. But where to start? Commitment to...

Isabell Eberlein – the Cycling Activist Steering Germany’s Car Culture in a New Direction

To tailor BMW’s catchphrase, Isabell Eberlein is the ultimate cycling machine. Her track-record of cycling advocacy is staggering – from Berlin’s bicycle referendum, to cycle rides against the patriarchy, to making businesses bike-friendly. She told us about what drives her and how she campaigns...

How to Get Started with Sustainable Construction: Residents

If you’re building or renovating your own place, consider a move away from the typical concrete structures and fiberglass insulation. Natural and renewable products work equally as well – or better! Whether you hire a contractor or try your hand at a bit of...

Young Leader Omar Zahran: Architecture as a Tool for People-Centred Cities

How does so much historic architecture endure the ravages of time? It’s because the architects of yore knew how to build cities to suit their environment, and they did so to meet the needs of the people. Omar Zahran, a Young Leader from the...

Taking Inspiration From Tokyo’s Pedestrian Paradises

The ‘World Car Free Day’ is an important event to give people an idea of what their city could be like, if we stopped allocating most of the valuable public space to the least effective mode of transport, the car. But why limit this...

CityChanger Tim Gill: Back to the Future of Child-Friendly Car-Free Cities

Tim is an independent scholar, consultant and global advocate for child-friendly cities. He is passionate about making car-dominance a thing of the past and achieving a better balance between the needs of car drivers and everyone else regarding the use of public space, with...

Schoonschip: A Community-built Floating Neighbourhood

Living on the water might sound like the vision of a future where climate change has forced humanity to adapt to the rise in sea levels, but Schoonschip in Amsterdam proves that 'building' on this unconventional space is far from dystopian. As a pioneering...

CityChanger Katharina Schätz: How Positive Energy & Fighting Fear Enable Change-Making

In the world of sustainability, there’s an assumption that we all want the same change. Even for those of us who share this mindset, behaviours often don’t match, which can stall positive transitions. Katharina Schätz reminds us that creating and maintaining motivation is as...

How Community Gardens Australia Helps Bring Residents Together

Community gardens are on the rise, no question about it. Whether it’s providing space for residents to grow their own food or offering a green space to escape the concrete jungles and building a community, their appeal certainly can’t be denied. But how exactly...

A Conundrum of Common Courtesy: How Can Decency Deliver Better Cities?

In 2015, a London cyclist clashed with a pedestrian, knocking her unconscious and leaving her with scars and broken teeth. It sent the media into a frenzy. Front and centre of the story was the negligence of the victim who was fixated on her smartphone...

Maptionnaire: A Smart Lesson in Democratising Engagement the Fun Way

Public participation matters. It brings democracy and diverse perspectives to city design. But it can be difficult to get right. Smart technology hands us new opportunities for engagement. Today we learn about one of the pioneering tools in this field – Maptionnaire – and...

CityChanger Fabian Dattner: Lessons for Equitable Leadership

As in business, real success in sustainable city transformations largely hinges on sound and equitable leadership. This requires elevating more women to positions of influence. Social entrepreneur Fabian Dattner is a die-hard advocate and activist creating a seismic shift in the landscape of leadership....

CityChanger Jan Gehl: Creating Liveable Cities

Renowned Danish architect Jan Gehl changed our understanding of what urban space should be. Shunning the traditional school of planning in favour of liveable cities, he pioneered the movement of designing places for people. He tells us where this Eureka moment came from and...