Vienna Calling: A Story of Gender Equality, Funding Structures, and School Streets

For the 10th consecutive time, Vienna was named the world's most liveable city in the Mercer Rankings of 2020. But does that also mean that the city is particularly pedestrian-friendly? We talked to Petra Jens, who has been Vienna's walking commissioner since 2013, about...

Superblocks – the Spanish Idea That Is Conquering European Cities

Giving the streets back to the people: The Spanish idea of creating city blocks where cars are only allowed as guests is spreading across Europe. But what’s the story behind the superblocks, and how can you translate it to your city?  In 2014, Barcelona introduced...

A Little Bit of Green Among the Grey: The Case for Greenery

The United Nations’ article 'Cities and Pollution' states that cities use up 78% of the world’s energy and produce more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, all while covering less than 2% of our planet. Trying to reduce, if not fight, this effect is...

Urban Biodiversity and the EU Taxonomy

It’s easy to forget we share our space in the city with other creatures. Either being small and almost invisible to the unobservant eye or being right there, planted in front of your front door – their importance is far more significant than they’re...

How to Advocate for Cycling – Look to Calgary

Calgary went from less than a 2% cycling modal share, to the ‘Calgary Approach’ being adopted by other cities. Speaking to the campaign group, Bike Calgary, we learned how it happened and what advice they have for other cycling advocates. Calgary’s Cycling Story: “We...

CityChanger Matt Stewart: Reviving River Recreation

Matt Stewart enjoys nothing more than taking a plunge. A native Aussie, he’s the outdoors type and in 2015 began a campaign to make Melbourne’s Yarra River swimmable again. We caught up with this former Young Leader, who told us that appealing to the...

CityChanger Ronni Kahn: Don’t Waste Food – Use It Up!

While people go hungry, there’s no justification for food waste – itself a massive contributor to destructive climate change emissions. What began as a one-woman mission to redistribute unwanted food has become a global phenomenon. We speak to Ronni Kahn AO, CEO of OzHarvest,...

Green Finance Institute: Accelerating Retrofits Through Investment

Retrofitting Europe’s built environment would drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and position us closer to climate goals. It’s a tantalisingly tangible but costly outlook, and progress is slow. To change this, the Green Finance Institute (GFI) set itself the task of creating conditions where...

Sofa Session #4: Bringing Your Vision to Life

Okay, so you’ve got a vision: now what? If you want to bring it to life and prevent it from ending up in some drawer, it needs to be widely shared! Your job is to create images and a storyline people can emotionally relate...

Rush to Hush Hour: How to Get People Cycling to Work

From helmet hair to soaked suits, cycling to work isn’t always appealing. Here’s why paying commuters to cycle to work is misguided and how employers, employees and policymakers can all play their part. Making Cents to Cycle  Paying people to cycle to work is a popular...

The Cycling Professor: Its More Than a Bicycle, It’s a Counter Movement – and John Lennon Knew It in 1968

Do we need driverless cars, or carless drivers? Why do we talk about congestion, but not systemic traffic violence? How come John Lennon was in bed with a bicycle? We interviewed the Cycling Professor, a renowned social media activist and academic at the University...

From Architecture to Urban Planning: Shweta Gandhi

From a naïve 19-year-old architecture student to working on government projects and helping achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Shweta Gandhi has already gathered a multitude of experiences. We spoke to this Young Leader from our 2020 cohort to find out more about what...

Kimberley Nelson: “I Was Tired Of My Life Being Threatened”

Kimberley’s dangerous commute led her down a path where she would end up transforming Calgary into one of Canada’s cycling cities. She tells us about the journey, along with e-scooters dating, ‘sanity rides’ and how best to drive change.  Kimberley’s Story: Battling for the Bike Commuting...

Lessons From Amsterdam’s Agenda – Taking “Car-Lite” to the Next Level

In 2018, the city government of Amsterdam formulated the "Amsterdam Agenda Autoluw" which aims to push the city towards a "car-lite" vision, increasing city space for pedestrians and cyclists.  But how have they taken what is already a non-car-dependent city to the next level, and...

Angela Azzolino: There’s Better Ways of Doing It Than Bike Lanes

From corporate, to bicycle mechanic, to founder of ‘Get Women Cycling’, Angela Azzolino has experienced New York’s streets as a cyclist from different perspectives. We caught up with her to discuss helmet hair and the gender cycling gap, her scepticism of bike lanes and how...

Food Trails: A Framework to Drive Change in European Urban Food Systems

This article was written for by Siobhan Maderson, Food Trails Research Associate at Cardiff University, Wales. In it, she explains how the Food Trails project (of which Cardiff University is a partner) has tested new models and practices for urban food systems based...

The Case for Green Roofs

How to incorporate greenery into urban spaces? Where to put green spaces in a densely populated area? Putting them on a roof is a way to go! The benefits of green roofs are being increasingly appreciated, as rising numbers of people started valuing natural...

How to Revitalise Cities: Doughnuts in Urban Development

Urban development isn’t always about the brand spanking new. It’s all well and good to build new modern constructions, but it’s even more essential to give those run-down, if not abandoned areas some love and attention and use what we’ve already got. Caren Ohrhallinger,...