Greenery: Facts & Figures

The basis for every city-changing venture is to do your research and to know your facts and data. For this very purpose, we have gathered the most important, surprising, or even uplifting ones in this list, sure to impress any know-it-all enthusiasts out there. Did...

CityChanger Eef Tanghe: Fulfilling Cohousing Dreams

Have you ever heard of cohousing? This alternative living model promises to combine privacy and community, use space efficiently, and provide plenty of greenery. Eef Tanghe, CityChanger and founder of Cohousing Projects, makes the case for cohousing and highlights the importance of knowledge sharing. A block...

How to Achieve a Walking and Cycling Transformation in Your City

This article was written by and for the C40 Knowledge Hub, which delivers cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities for others working in city government. It was originally published here in March 2019. We're featuring the article with kind permission by the C40...

Water/Cooler Moments in the Age of Extreme Heat

As heatwaves become more frequent, we grow reliant on cities taking measures to provide relief. From fountains to pools to games, there are plenty of ways water offers comfort from rising temperatures. There is even an app to help us find the options in...

The Case for Urban Agriculture

Can growing food in urban environments help to nourish an increasingly hungry world without sacrificing the planet in the process? As more and more of us discover the joys of a green thumb, we investigate the case for imagining a different kind of growth...

Making Cities Pedestrian-Friendly: How to Get Started

So, you would like your city to be more pedestrian-friendly? You see the potential of your city but don’t exactly know where or how to start? You’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll find all the pointers, tricks, and secrets for creating the...

How to Get Started with Sustainable Construction: Contractors

Builders, you provide one of our most basic needs: shelter. As a changing climate calls for more resilient properties, fulfilling this need requires new approaches both to retrofitting and fresh builds. Companies that adapt to green construction early will find their skills in high...

A Nice-to-Know Guide to Cycle Highways

Should we associate cycling with noisy, dangerous ‘highways’? Are longer, but more scenic routes worth it? Are speed e-bikes hijacking the highways? Read this article to challenge your conceptions of cycle highways and hear what people working in the field think.  Having covered the basics...

Case For Urban Water Management

The more we build, the more we disrupt natural water systems, calling into question whether we’ll have enough to sustain growing city populations. Prioritising water management and blue infrastructure will enable urban environments to prosper in the face of unpredictable weather conditions. We take...

Housing in Barcelona: Multiple Issues, Multiple Solutions!

Barcelona has long been plagued by housing issues. Now the city is fighting back. Equipped with an extensive plan, Barcelona wants to tackle a multitude of challenges. We sat down with the city’s housing manager Javier Burón Cuadrado, who walked us through their initiative. The...

Five Truths About Housing We Don’t Discuss

In the heated discussion about housing and the housing affordability crisis, it is easy to lose track. What points should we consider when talking about housing? What do we need to raise awareness of? We conversed with global advisor Dr Orna Rosenfeld who told...

Do the Right Thing: Who’s Responsible for Climate Action?

It’s not always easy being responsible. As the (delayed) train journey home from the Urban Future conference in Stuttgart entered its eleventh hour, a creeping thought formed: had we taken a flight, we could have been home hours ago. So why didn’t we? As a company that...

Ever Curious: David Adam Braun

The qualities that make a good Young Leader are eagerness to learn, openness to change, and commitment to improve the environment for everyone – with these words, an image of David Adam Braun is perfectly depicted. And what else makes this young and inquisitive...

Salary Without a Job: The Dream of Supposedly Work-Shy Gen-Z

Those born between 1997 and 2012 represent the first generation growing up with smartphones – and are considered by some not to be big fans of (hard) work. If true, they’d surely welcome the introduction of a universal basic income (UBI) – a monthly payment...

From Clogged to Car-Light: Giving the Streets Back to People in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is home to around 3 million citizens (more than 15 million if you count the Greater Buenos Aires area). How relevant is walkability for a city of that size? We spoke to Clara Muzzio, minister of public space and urban hygiene for...

Behind the Scenes of the EU Handshake Cycling Project

‘Handshake’ is currently the biggest European Union project on cycling, combining thirteen cities and a budget of nearly five million euros. We spoke to the project coordinator, Mario Gualdi, to get a first-hand account. What's the Aim of Handshake? “The starting idea is bringing together people that...

Train Drain: Why We Shouldn’t (Always) Travel Sustainably

Sustainability needs a warning label. The somewhat tongue in cheek Godwin’s law suggests that in any online discussion going on long enough, someone will make a comparison with the Nazis. In a similar way, it seems that any talk about urban sustainability eventually leads to...

The Importance of Pedestrian Safety: How to Make Your City Walkable

Hello, fellow pedestrian. Yes, you! We may forget that we’re all pedestrians at times, as we’re so used to getting behind a wheel, jumping onto a bus or even straddling a bike. However, walking is our basic human need and we deserve, nay –...