How, When, and Where to Incorporate Participation into Urban Development

Constructing sustainable buildings in our cities is all well and good, but sometimes you’ve got to step back and look at the bigger picture: urban development. In order to create a city suitable for the present and the future, who better to consult than...

CityChanger Max Schade: Building a Future of Straw, Wood & Clay

With public demand for sustainability snowballing, it’s inevitable every sector will undergo a green transformation. Construction, however, may not be as advanced as we thought. Max Schade from STROHBOID acts as our guide today, busting the myths around building from natural materials and emphasising...

Encouraging Cycling Tourism with Digital Storytelling

This article was written for by Krešimir Herceg, an entrepreneur aiming to enhance the leisure cycling experience. In doing so, he wants to help destinations reduce CO2 emissions and overcrowding at spots of cultural and natural significance. Krešimir is the founder of Bikademy,...

Walking: The Key to Multi-Modal Success

Twentieth-century urban sprawl caused a shift in how we move around and between cities. Where walking was once the norm, private motors now claim the crown. But with recent focus on alternative transport, walking is surging once again – and combining walking with other...

“Healthy Streets Everyday” Keeps the Cars Away: How a London Project Is Transforming Urban Neighbourhoods

What are the 10 evidence-based essential ingredients for a "healthy street", and how can you make sure yours tick all the boxes? What Are "Healthy Streets"? The Healthy Streets approach, developed by public health and transport specialist Lucy Saunders, is a system of policies and strategies designed to...

How to Green and Maintain Your Sustainable Roof

Wouldn’t it be nice to go on your roof on a hot summer’s day, bringing a book and fresh lemonade with you, lying back in a deckchair and enjoying the sunny day – without actually burning to death? From providing shade and food to...

Mohamed Ridouani: Innovation Means to Improve the Quality of Life With and for All

This article was written by Aseniya Dimitrova for You can find the original post here. This is an interview with Mohamed Ridounai, Mayor of Leuven, European Capital of Innovation for 2020. In September Leuven won the iCapital award for 2020. The annual competition organised by...

Waste to Resources: Tampere’s Triumphs With Trash and Trade

The importance of good waste management is no secret, but how to do it can sometimes allude us. This is where the city of Tampere comes in. So, if you’re lacking innovative ideas and aren’t sure where to jump in, get ready to be...

Karl-Filip Coenegrachts: Creative Bureaucracy, An Oxymoron?| TEDxGhent

In this thought-provoking TED talk, Karl-Filip Coenegrachts gives an overview of what creative bureaucracy means and why we can't continue to use 19th-century bureaucracy to solve 21st-century challenges anymore. This talk was held at the TEDxGhent event on the 23rd of December 2020. Karl-Filip Coenegrachts...

Building Better Neighbourhoods: The Benefits of Walkable Cities

All of us are pedestrians. We’re born with all we need – legs – to participate and use them throughout our lives without even thinking. Walking makes our lives more convenient, enjoyable, affluent, and worry-free. With so much to gain, the benefits of walkable...

Retrofitting Funds, Grants & Loans

So, you want to retrofit but are not sure how you’re going to finance it? Depending on where you are in the world, you might be fortunate to get some help. Some countries seem very committed to decarbonising existing building stock, putting their money...

CityChanger Panchali Saikia: Guardian of Urban Water Governance

Water democracy has implications for health, safety, and life opportunities. Nowhere is this more apparent than among the large informal settlements in Indian cities. This is where the work of Panchali Saikia makes a massive impact. She tells us about the barriers to resilient...

Young Leader Hamza Amin: Shaping Equitable Communications for a Better Pakistan

The effects of climate change are not equal everywhere. Pakistan is one of the world’s lowest greenhouse gas emitters, but it is dealing with some of the harshest consequences. With projections that it will only get worse, Hamza Amin feels a personal responsibility for...

Overpopulation Is No Laughing Matter

One of the rules of comedy, so I've been told, is to talk about what you know. That's why many stand-up routines over the past couple of years are based on personal accounts of COVID-19. I watched one recently, during which the performer joked how they'd...

Micro-Gardening in Dakar: Fighting Food and Climate Insecurity

In lands where proper growing soil is scarce, water supply is low, and food shortage is prevailing, cities need to resort to innovative means of obtaining the needed resources. The city of Dakar managed to do just that, and more: this Senegalese community transformed...

Colonial Urbanism: Polycrisis Guaranteed by Design

Cities across the Global South remain firmly in the grips of their colonisers’ “innovations”, hosting entrenched centuries-old systems and practices of abuse and exploitation that disrupt health and life across the planet.  Approaches to urban social sustainability that ignore colonial oppression and its urban-rural...

Coliving – Saving, Sharing, Caring

Living in one apartment with 10 others – for some a nightmare but for many the perfect alternative living model in times of a housing affordability crisis, mass urbanisation, and increasing loneliness. This article gives you an overview of what coliving is and why...

The Challenges Facing Urban Water Management

What water is available to cities is unevenly distributed and increasingly stressed due to population growth. Human activity backed by poor policy safeguards increases volumes of wastewater, reduces that of potable quality, and triggers erratic drought-and-flood conditions by way of climate change. Effective urban...