Okay, so you’ve got a vision: now what? If you want to bring it to life and prevent it from ending up in some drawer, it needs to be widely shared! Your job is to create images and a storyline people can emotionally relate to. People must “live” it. Take a seat on the sofa when we will take a close look at some of the most powerful visions, identify their key ingredients and learn the most effective ways to develop a vision that thrives. Hear what Soraya Axelsson, Head of H22; and Enno Schmidt, Co-Founder of the Initiative Basic Income in Basel, have to say to host Jan-Jaap in der Maur, Owner of Masters in Moderation.
Sofa SessionSofa Session #4: Bringing Your Vision to Life
Sofa Session #4: Bringing Your Vision to Life

Cornelia Forsthuberhttps://www.citychangers.org/
I'm passionate about including the next generation of CityChangers into the conversation, exploring my city, and meaningful conversations.
In my free time, I enjoy the other good things in life: literature, hiking, and eating my way through Vienna.