How to Motivate the Transition to Community Energy

Community energy is an agent of decarbonisation. Transition in the sector is gaining momentum. How can we motivate people to get involved and maintain that trajectory? We asked Éva Goudouneix, Community Development Manager with Repowering London, how she approaches her work with London’s locals. Stakeholder...

Perspectives on the 15-Minute City: How to Turn a Utopia Into a Reality

You may have already heard of the concept of a ’15-minute city’, but what do urban planners really think about the feasibility of making cities time-scaled, is this mere design fantasy, or is this the future of sustainable mobility? The Challenge The philosophy behind the 15-minute...

How to Get Politicians on Board With Car-Free Measures

Taking space away from the dominant road user — a.k.a. private cars — is a politically sensitive subject and a brave decision for any politician to make. But getting a political buy-in could be the make-or-break factor for any campaign to reduce personal car...

Fuelling the Way Forward: Is Electric Really the Way to Go?

The electric car revolution is already underway on a global scale. Everywhere we look we are told that electric vehicles are green vehicles. But should we really be including ‘clean vehicle’ infrastructure in future plans for our cities’ urban landscape, or is this battery-powered...

How to Get a City Cycling: The Challenge

Creating a cycling city is no easy ride. Here’s everything you should know from the outset, all brought to life by people we’ve spoken to who deal with cycling every day.   Whilst no city is the same, there are a few challenges even the champion...

The Secrets of Vancouver’s Rain City Strategy

Vancouver has undergone a blue-green infrastructure revolution. Its Rain City Strategy integrated nature making the city more resilient to fluctuations in rainfall. Behind it all is Melina Scholefield, a CityChanger with an impressive portfolio and knack for getting things done! She tells us all...

How to Change Behaviour Around Personal Car Use: The Challenge

It’s a challenge in itself to know where to begin when trying to get people out of their cars. But maybe by looking at what the obstacles to greener mobility changes are, and with some advice from urban planners and activists around the world,...

Why Are We Not Talking About Walking? The Challenge to Make Cities Walkable

Walking comes naturally to most people; hence, many of us don’t view it as an issue to consider in city planning. We’ll take a look at all the challenges walking activists are facing to understand why walking has, unjustifiably, been put in the backseat...

Terras de Cascais: Connecting People and Nature Through Community Gardening

“Giving new life to natural spaces and promoting organic urban culture” is the motto of Terras de Cascais. It’s a project working towards bringing people together, reviving the connection with nature, and growing fresh, healthy, home-grown produce. Read about how the project started, why...

How to Make Your Project Inclusive

If change in your city is exclusive, it’s simply not good enough. Change needs to be beneficial for every single citizen in your city. As this is a complex issue and certain perspectives are overlooked way too easy, this article includes some tips and...

Car-Free to the Finnish Line: Tips From Helsinki’s Smart Mobility Trials

In May 2020, Finland concluded its three-year "Last Mile" smart mobility project which aimed to provide innovative smart mobility solutions for tourists, residents and commuters in the Helsinki metropolitan region. But what was actually tried and tested, what lessons were learnt along the way...

Be Happy With What You’ve Got: The Case for Retrofitting

What would your dream home look like? Some people will be lucky enough to build fanciful follies from scratch. The rest of us get to pick the choice cuts from pre-existing stock; but older constructions may need a little bit of sprucing up. Beyond...

Five Major EU Projects on Cycling – and Their Key Takeaways

The European Union gives out funding worth millions of Euros each year. Luckily, a lot of these funds are spent on projects committed to the decrease of CO2 emissions and the increase of sustainable mobility. We are taking a look at the top 5...

Participation for Innovation – Why We Need To Talk More About Participatory Cities

When talking about bringing change to cities, many governments and private organisations tend to hold on to traditional ways of creating policies and engagement. But many researchers are looking into new, innovative ways of how to change things. One approach that can’t be ignored...

En Route to Changing the Conversation: How to Make Citizen Engagement Work

How can you make authentic citizen participation work? Warren Logan, Policy Director of Mobility and Interagency Relations in the city of Oakland, has made a name for himself by not just superficially asking for the opinion of fellow citizens, but by building trust and...

Six Steps to Decarbonising Buildings

This article was written for by Irene Garcia, Built Environment Lead, and Michael Shank, Director of Engagement, both with the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance. In it, they outline a six-step plan – illustrated by examples of how these steps have been implemented in...

It Was No Easy Ride: Amsterdam’s Journey to Becoming a Cycling Icon

Cycling seems like second nature in Amsterdam, but after speaking with Marjolein de Lange, co-author of the book ‘Bike City Amsterdam’, we discovered that this hasn’t always been the case. Filled with fierce activism, from white bicycle archaists to angered mothers, this is the...

Making Sense of Systemic Change

Systemic change is like a birthday present: everyone wants it, but no one is quite sure what’s inside. Or so the saying goes. The concept feels just beyond comprehension. What does it look like to change everything, everywhere, all at once? Both the climate crisis and pervasive social...