Pontevedra: The Little Utopian City That Drove Out Cars – and How They Made It Happen

The city of Pontevedra in the Northwest of Spain is recognised for its well-preserved old medieval town and beautiful cobbled streets. Yet the city has also gained world-wide attention for something entirely different – its urban mobility strategy which has turned its centre into...

Retrofitting and Energy Efficiency Projects

With climate change being so high on the agenda, it’s not surprising that there is a range of retrofitting projects testing out various measures, innovations, technologies, and tools for engagement to see how we can make buildings climate-friendly and future-proof. In Europe, at least,...

Sustainable Schools – Education Fit for the Environment

With the climate crisis growing, teaching children about sustainability should be an obvious addition to their education. However, there are big discrepancies in countries’ curriculums and the resources given to teachers. In this article, we look into the importance of sustainable schools and offer...

Cutting Back on Construction Traffic: How to Get Started

Construction traffic is costly, dangerous and awfully polluting. A promising tool to radically reduce traffic are construction consolidation centres (CCC) or urban logistics hubs. At CCCs, construction materials are stored, traffic in and out of the construction area is controlled, and logistics flows are...

The Challenge to Making Cities Greener

The thing about greenery is there’s more to it than just planting a bunch of trees. Peeking behind the scenes, a lot of urban planning, designing, technical research, and policy writing goes into realising each and every one of the projects. Find out what...

CityChanger Jaakko Blomberg: “Addicted to Creating Something New”

Specialising in new community-based urban culture, placemaking, street art, and co-creation, Jaakko Blomberg believes in the power of people; in their power to change cities. And his formula? “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than to get a permission.” There’s more than one way of changing...

Wood: Fact File

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Well, hopefully just enough to help us construct some superbly sustainable and stunning structures made entirely from wood. It’s not exactly a major breakthrough, yet it is a significantly underestimated and...

Energy Standards, Ratings, and Labelling Systems

Whether you’re retrofitting or not, here are some helpful pointers for regional energy standards, ratings, and labelling systems. Stars, numbers, and alphabetical symbols indicate the optimum energy efficiency of your building and appliances. Understanding what they mean can help occupants and building managers reduce...

How to Drive a Modal Shift From Private Vehicle Use to Public Transport, Walking and Cycling

This article was written by and for the C40 Knowledge Hub, which delivers cutting-edge insights and practical resources from leading climate cities for others working in city government. It was originally published here in March 2019. We're featuring the article with kind permission by the C40...

The Challenge of Making Housing Affordable

Making housing affordable is not a simple task. To make things easier for you, we have researched some of the main challenges you will come across. Familiarise yourself with them now and get a head start! There is no place like home. It’s more than...

Green Is the New Black: How to Get Started

You want to start greening your city but don’t exactly know where to start or how to go about it? Well, lucky you! Below is a neat step-by-step guide to making your change-making path as smooth as possible. Follow the steps and your city will...

Cycling: How to Get Started as an Advanced City

Cycling in your city is not only popular because the infrastructure for it is there and wonderful, there's is also a vibrant cycling culture that includes everyone, even children? So how to improve what's already pretty good? We'll take you through the next steps....

A Functional Future – Ensuring Sustainable Public Buildings Are Fit for Purpose

Public Buildings are essential to every city. They can be the heart of the community, places where neighbours gather, children play and learn, and real life takes place. That’s why it’s even more important to make these buildings sustainable, have them be a role...

Cars or Kids, Who’s King? How to Put Children Before Cars in City Planning

For the last century, there’s been an ongoing battle for city space between cars and children, which, for the most part, has been won by the former. Kids no longer have the right to roam freely in their own neighbourhoods, and we’ve placed the...

How Water Companies Can Innovate Wastewater Services & Customer Engagement

Keeping the water flowing is a complex business. Water companies can take a lot of flak if they appear to fail in their responsibilities. But, as we learn from the experiences of Northumbrian Water Group, the lengths they really go to may be underestimated,...

How to Get Started with Sustainable Construction: Introduction

It’ll take some work to fully shift from conventional building practices to those that are kinder to our climate but is it all that difficult? We’ve collated some helpful guides for four agents in the building ecosystem to show you how to get started...

CityChanger Lan Marie Berg: How to Deal with Public Scrutiny

When Lan Marie Berg was thrust into the public eye as Oslo’s vice mayor, the constant scrutiny became an unexpected challenge. Her climate budget and car-free zones transformed the city, but the backlash ranged from media lies to threats. What she learnt from dealing...

How to Consolidate for Last Mile – Learnings from a Small Dutch City

"Everybody was complaining, but nobody was working on a solution." As former Inner-City Manager of the City of Nijmegen, Birgit Hendriks was never planning to get into logistics. And yet, that is what she did. More than a decade later, the urban consolidation centre...