The Challenges of Creating a Sustainable Food System

We all need it, but many of us don’t have enough of it, and a lot of what we can get is bad for us. Up there with water and oxygen, food is one of the essential building blocks of life that nature has...

4 Main Dos and Don’ts of Cycle Promotion: Learnings From EU Project Leaders

Planning an initiative to encourage cycling in your city is certainly an admirable task, and in this era, one of great importance. However, there is more than meets the eye when starting on this adventure. Find out what is most important and the mistakes...

Notable City: Tanga – Generating City-Wide Benefits by Boosting Youth Social Mobility

Through population growth and in-migration, cities are only going to increase in number and size. This presents a challenge: how do we ensure citizens’ needs are addressed adequately as urban environments sprawl at an unprecedented rate? One answer is using a life-long approach –...

Reviving Thriving Communities Through Meanwhile Housing

We’re in the midst of a housing crisis: too few affordable homes for our growing population. Quick wins are usually synonymous with shoddy quality, but meanwhile housing bucks that trend. We spoke with Lorna Walker and Rebekah Foote of Modomo to find out how...

How to Get Started with Sustainable Construction: Developers

As professionals linking multiple agents in the construction chain, developers are essential drivers of sustainability. Working practices are well-established, so there may be some reluctance to change. But from kudos to profit, benefits are plentiful. In this guide, we share some starting points for...

How to Get Started with Sustainable Construction: City Authorities

Sustainable construction offers us the means to create durable, desirable cities of the future; places that are socially beneficial, environmentally friendly, and economically viable. With decisive and informed policy, upskilling, and budget-setting, city authorities hold the reigns for manoeuvring towards a sustainable construction drive...

CityChanger Eugen Antalovsky: Participation, Inclusion, and Urban Development in Vienna

With an interest in architecture, cities, mobility, and society, it seemed like a natural step for Eugen Antalovsky to specialise in urban development, and for the last three and a half decades he’s been advising cities on just that. We sat down with Eugen...

Building Sustainably: How to Get Started with Natural Materials

A house made of straw, an office block made of timber, or a shopping centre made with hempcrete – you might be thinking that this all sounds very hippyish, but this could be the vision of a sustainable future that the world desperately needs....

Policy Recommendations & Mechanisms That Support Urban Migrant Experiences

The challenges for migrants arriving in a new country seem endless. The more vulnerable their situation, and precarious their legal status, the deeper these problems run. Social and structural barriers and discrimination prevent newcomers from integrating with any ease. Just as well there are...

When You Don’t Feel Safe in Your Own Neighbourhood – The Lack of Safety for Communities of Colour

Black individuals are 2,5 times more likely to be killed by law enforcement on public surfaces, are often harassed at home by their neighbours, and only 22% of them feel they can safely bike to local parks. With constant reminders of systemic racism –...

Sofa Session #1: How to Mobilise

To drive change, you need supporters. That’s why it is critical for CityChangers to identify and ultimately win over others for their cause: whether it's experts, citizens, organisations, groups or entire city environments. But how do you get started, which do’s to follow and...

How to Get People Head Over Wheels About Cycling

The humble bicycle may just be the cure we need for our suffocating planet, sickly air and illnesses stirred by static lifestyles. Divided into four arguments, this article hopes to illuminate why cycling cities are so desperately needed.  1. Cycling Saves: The Planet  Transport accounts for...

The Challenge of Creating Housing for Vulnerable Groups

If you want to create housing for vulnerable groups, you have to factor in quite a few aspects: you need to provide permanent housing that comes with plenty of (optional) services; and you also want to build a community, seek partnerships, and pay close...

The Case for Car-Free – Why Should We Care About Our Car-Dependency?

Cars have been part of our cities and our lives for decades now. They’re comfortable, they can take us almost everywhere, they suit our lifestyle, and they are advertised to become more and more sustainable.  So, what’s all the car-free fuzz about? Doesn’t an additional...

Safety in Green Areas: It’s About People

Green areas are great; they have the potential to attract a city’s residents to enjoy nature, relax, and get some much-needed fresh air. Safety, though, is a large element of that enjoyment; so how can we ensure green areas are well-kept, maintained, and don’t...

A Need-to-Know Guide to Cycle Highways

Everything you need to know about cycle highways, covering all the basic information, steps to creating a cycle highway and insights from people working in the field.  What Are Cycle Highways? A Whistle Stop Tour  Cycle highways pride themselves on being high-quality cycle routes which cover...

The Challenge of Introducing Alternative Living Models

The benefits of alternative – or communal – living models are vast. Sharing is not just caring but also great for our pocket, mental health, and the housing market. So, what’s the catch? Introducing alternative living models can be tough. Are single-family homes the answer...

The Challenges of Urban Migration in European Cities

Migration is a complex and divisive topic. Multiple political, economic, social, even environmental factors contribute to the discourse – not to mention a minefield of misinformation. For better or worse, these influences affect migrants’ experiences and impact integration, as well as influence cities’ approaches...