From Emissions to Edens: Our Top 5 Car-Free Urban Transformations

Our cities have been constructed almost entirely around private cars. But what's happening now? Cities are realising that infrastructure for motor vehicles in urban areas often leaves them looking grey, industrial and not very liveable places for people. Keep reading to find out how...

EU Cycling Projects: What’s Out There

What do stars, pasta and chips have in common? They’re all names for EU funded initiatives on cycling. Here’s the place to start if you want to understand this curious world of EU cycling projects.  What Are EU Cycling Projects? Any project which promotes cycling and...

The Challenges of Psychology in Retrofitting

At CityChangers, we value the learning we can gain from bottlenecks, problems, and conundrums. Knowing the challenges and discovering the blockages provides a ground on which we can search for solutions. We’ve noticed a bunch of barriers around psychology in retrofitting that seem to...

What Went Wrong with the Paris Referendum On E-Scooters?

Micromobility has an image problem. In Paris, a mix of poor planning and bad user habits came to a head as the public voted for e-scooters to be banned. Mobility expert Dagmara Wrzesińska’s outspoken criticism of how the referendum was handled caught our attention...

Reducing Car Dominance in Cities: How to Get Started

You know your city has a problem with car use but don’t know where to begin trying to fix it? Look no further! Our How to Get Started guide tells you everything you need about how to get the ball rolling to reduce cars...

Cars Almost Killed Our Cities, But Here’s How We Can Bring Them Back | Gabe Klein | TEDxMidAtlantic

Our cities are making us – and the planet – sick, and the problem lies in the automobile, which has taken over how we live and use space. Thankfully, new technology like autonomous vehicles and 3D printing has opened the door for us to...

How to Create a Pop-Up Car-Free Zone in Your City

Once every year a ‘World Car Free Day’ takes place in various big cities around the world. If your city does not yet host a car-free event, keep reading this guide on how to create a pop-up car-free zone to learn more about how...

Making City Logistics More Efficient (and Green) – How to Get Started

City logistics is a complex playing field with a multitude of actors involved. Increasing efficiency and greening last-mile logistics can only be achieved if all these actors play their part, governments included. This is how to get started. First things first: Focus on Getting the...

The Role of NGOs in Facilitating Migrant Integration in European Cities

JPI Urban Europe put out a call for projects researching urban migration in Europe. The outcome is a current knowledge base that gives insights into how migration impacts the lives and workings of a city, and how these affect the experiences of new arrivals....

Getting Over Our “Car Crush”: How to Encourage Sustainable Commuting In the Workplace

Commuters are one of the key target groups when it comes to encouraging more active modes of transport – so what can be done by employers and large companies to encourage their employees to ditch their cars and choose to walk, cycle or e-scoot...

CityChanger Lior Steinberg: A Different Kind of Human

Why are we obsessed with success and fearful of failure? Often, it’s the unexpected trials and tribulations that provide the most valuable learning opportunities. Lior Steinberg is a rarity: with so many irons in the fire, he happily admits when something doesn’t go quite...

Young Leaders Academy: Applying Transformational Knowledge as a Catalyst for Change

Sharing knowledge is integral to scaling and speeding up the sustainability transformation. But are we doing it effectively? There’s a new generation of change-makers on the scene intent on improving the way knowhow is exchanged, fully aware that it’s their futures this affects. We...

The Challenges of Retrofitting

Telling the average person on the street to upgrade their draughty, crumbling home to save energy and, ergo, the planet might be too abstract to inspire action, met with responses like: “What difference can I really make? Why should I when countries and corporations...

“Even Good Things Can Be Improved” – Evaluating Cycling In Your City

Does your city have cycling policies in place? If so, how effective are they really? Created in 1999, the EU-funded BYPAD-project has helped to evaluate cycling policies in almost 250 towns, cities, and regions so far. We summarized key outcomes and found out how...

The Challenge of Making Housing Healthy

Making housing healthy is not a piece of cake. To give you an idea of the challenges you might come across, we have dug through a myriad of guides and condensed the top five challenges into bite-sized pieces. Our surroundings impact our health. Since we...

5 EU Projects on Walkability and Their Contributions

It starts with ACCESS2MOUNTAIN and ends with Smart Pedestrian Net. We’ll give you a quick and neat glossary of selected EU walkability projects and their achievements. EU projects hold more meaning than first meets the eye. They might not seem as important to you personally...

Urban Insight Podcast – The World’s Healthiest Building

Sweco's Urban Insight's mission is to share solutions for future city planning and initiate a dialogue about sustainable urban development. Between 2018 and 2021, Urban Insight reached 22.3 million people through news, press and media. During 2021, three episodes of the Urban Insight podcast will...

Metamorphosis: An EU Project Where Children Are the Central Force Behind Change

When was the last time you saw children playing on the streets of your neighbourhood or heard their carefree, joyful laughter? Probably a long time ago. We seem to live in a society where cars are prioritized above all other forms of transport and,...