
4 Ways to Make a City More Walkable | Jeff Speck | TED

Freedom from cars, freedom from sprawl, freedom to walk your city! City planner Jeff Speck shares his "general theory of walkability" -- four planning principles to transform sprawling cities of six-lane highways and 600-foot...

Why Controversy Matters: An Intro to Our Editorials

CityChangers.org has introduced this series of editorials as a chance for our writing team and guests to air personal opinions on the problems, solutions, and lived experiences in our urban spaces. In this first...

The Bigger Picture: How to Lead City-Wide Change

Adapting our buildings to be future-proof, incorporating greenery, using more sustainable materials: these are all great steps and ones to be encouraged. But, what about the bigger picture? If overall city development, urban planning,...

Young Leader Fruzsina Nagy: How To Create Change Like A Sustainability Consultant

A new breed of professionals is using their hotly sought after skills to bring about social and environmental impact. Impact-oriented values are fast becoming the deciding factor in career choices, over more traditional drivers...

Renovating Makes Cents: How to Retrofit on a Budget

Realistically, for a shot at halting climate change, we need to make buildings more efficient, big time, with widespread retrofit rollouts in the next few years! Regardless of good intentions, that’s not easy without...

Making Sense of Systemic Change

Systemic change is like a birthday present: everyone wants it, but no one is quite sure what’s inside. Or so the saying goes. The concept feels just beyond comprehension. What does it look like to change everything,...

Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay: Sustainable Building Meets Greenery

Gardens by the Bay: an award-winning green haven in the middle of Singapore. With its iconic architecture, innovative use of technologies, environmental sustainability, and horticultural displays, Singapore has established itself as one of our...

How to Make Public Spaces Inclusive for an Ageing Society

How does the design of public spaces influence mental health? Could urban design reduce isolation and loneliness and increase accessibility and mobility? “Rosario is also its older adults”, a pilot project in Rosario, Sante...

Aleksandr Vlasov: Improving Soviet Cities with Comfort, Heritage & Design

Does history affect our relationship with cities? According to Young Leader Aleksandr Vlasov, the Soviet era has left a modernist mark on social attitudes and the physical makeup of Russia’s urban spaces. Thankfully, up-and-coming...

Chatting Your Way to Change: Jaffer Muljiani

Sustainability enthusiasts, city champions and urban development nuts, look no further. We’ve found a true zealot of all things urban: Jaffer Muljiani. From growing up in Muscat, Oman to becoming a ‘real’ Londoner, working...

EU TalentOn: 104 Young Scientists Hack Societal Challenges

This article was written for CityChangers.com by Elizaveta Fakirova, a PhD candidate and researcher in the field of urban green infrastructure governance at the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Here she shares a personal...

CityChanger Orna Rosenfeld: “I Created My Job Because I Believed in Something”

Do you want to drive change in cities but can’t find a role that allows you to do so? Why not be like our CityChanger Dr Orna Rosenfeld and create your own job? Tackling the...

Driving Change on a Local Level: Mathis Dippon

Young Leader Mathis Dippon is convinced that change is best driven on a local level. This conviction motivates him to design, plan, and constantly re-imagine events that help communities tackle current and future challenges....

CityChanger Fabian Dattner: Lessons for Equitable Leadership

As in business, real success in sustainable city transformations largely hinges on sound and equitable leadership. This requires elevating more women to positions of influence. Social entrepreneur Fabian Dattner is a die-hard advocate and...

CityChanger Bronwen Thornton: Celebrating Walkable Cities

With a background in architecture and sociology, Bronwen Thornton started her career in government, keenly interested in social justice issues. Attending the Walk21 conference in 2001, she had an epiphany – walking is where...

CityChanger Clara Muzzio: “It’s Thrilling to Realise People Value the Change You Bring to Their Street”

Clara Muzzio is the minister of public space and urban hygiene in Buenos Aires and a firm believer in the transformative power of the public space and its relevance to urban life. She’s been...

CityChanger Naama Blonder – Bringing Smart Density to North America

Canada, similar to the US, has a heart for single-family houses and suburbs. A concept not really suitable for rapid urbanisation and the need for sustainable and affordable housing of the future. Thankfully, there are...

CityChanger Petra Jens: Empowering Pedestrians and Reframing the Topic

Petra Jens has been Vienna’s walking commissioner since 2013, aiming to make the city a pedestrian paradise. But what is it exactly that a walking commissioner does, and does every city need one? We...