
How Bogotá Became Latin America’s Cycling Capital

Despite being ranked as the world’s most congested city, bicycles in Bogotá are blooming. This is the remarkable story of how the bicycle weaved its way through – and how it shook up social statuses...

It Was No Easy Ride: Amsterdam’s Journey to Becoming a Cycling Icon

Cycling seems like second nature in Amsterdam, but after speaking with Marjolein de Lange, co-author of the book ‘Bike City Amsterdam’, we discovered that this hasn’t always been the case. Filled with fierce activism,...

Timo Perälä: Making Politicians Walk the Walk

As President of the Winter Cycling Federation, Timo’s aim is to make cities active all year round. He talks about cycling at -30C, the broken gym culture and making politicians practice what they preach.   Timo’s...

Angela Azzolino: There’s Better Ways of Doing It Than Bike Lanes

From corporate, to bicycle mechanic, to founder of ‘Get Women Cycling’, Angela Azzolino has experienced New York’s streets as a cyclist from different perspectives. We caught up with her to discuss helmet hair and the...

How to Advocate for Cycling – Look to Calgary

Calgary went from less than a 2% cycling modal share, to the ‘Calgary Approach’ being adopted by other cities. Speaking to the campaign group, Bike Calgary, we learned how it happened and what advice...

The Cycling Professor: Its More Than a Bicycle, It’s a Counter Movement – and John Lennon Knew It in 1968

Do we need driverless cars, or carless drivers? Why do we talk about congestion, but not systemic traffic violence? How come John Lennon was in bed with a bicycle? We interviewed the Cycling Professor,...

How to Make Energy Use More Efficient

Using fossil fuels emits a lot of carbon dioxide. This enters the atmosphere and traps heat, warming the climate. Unless we curb our energy use, temperatures will rise beyond the 1.5 degree-maximum we’ve set...

Enrique Peñalosa: “An Advanced City Is One Where the Rich Take Public Transport”

Bogotá’s former mayor, Enrique Peñalosa, redrew the capital’s cityscape. Surviving two recall elections, he built hundreds of parks, bike tracks, bus lanes and sidewalks. For him, a bus stuck in traffic does not represent inefficiency –...

Taking Inspiration From Tokyo’s Pedestrian Paradises

The ‘World Car Free Day’ is an important event to give people an idea of what their city could be like, if we stopped allocating most of the valuable public space to the least...