community groups

Infrastructure for Car-Free Cities: The Challenge

The idea of a ‘car-free’ city sounds pretty straightforward… just ban the cars, right? Well, it’s not quite that simple. Several challenges stand in the way of reducing car dominance in cities and building...

Reducing Car Dominance in Cities: How to Get Started

You know your city has a problem with car use but don’t know where to begin trying to fix it? Look no further! Our How to Get Started guide tells you everything you need...

Why Are We Not Talking About Walking? The Challenge to Make Cities Walkable

Walking comes naturally to most people; hence, many of us don’t view it as an issue to consider in city planning. We’ll take a look at all the challenges walking activists are facing to...

Making Cities Pedestrian-Friendly: How to Get Started

So, you would like your city to be more pedestrian-friendly? You see the potential of your city but don’t exactly know where or how to start? You’ve come to the right place! Here you’ll...

Useful Guides And Tools for Walking

Are you looking for some expert knowledge on how to make your city pedestrian-friendly and encourage residents to walk more? Then you’re in the right place! From guides to handbooks and courses, you’ll get...

Useful Guides for Car-Free Cities

Want to reduce cars in your city? Here is a simple overview of all the useful guides, resources, manuals and links to help you get started – all in one place. Searching for the right...

Saviour of Your Health or Saviour of the World? How to Frame Cycling Campaigns

Promoting cycling as beneficial should be an easy task: It’s good for the environment and keeps you healthy. The question, however, is which focus proves to be successful when advocating for cycling. Which cycling...

Five Major EU Projects on Cycling – and Their Key Takeaways

The European Union gives out funding worth millions of Euros each year. Luckily, a lot of these funds are spent on projects committed to the decrease of CO2 emissions and the increase of sustainable...

The Role of NGOs in Facilitating Migrant Integration in European Cities

JPI Urban Europe put out a call for projects researching urban migration in Europe. The outcome is a current knowledge base that gives insights into how migration impacts the lives and workings of a...

Spotlight on Trondheim: Shortcuts to a Walkable City

It’s simple, it doesn’t cost much, it saves time – why aren’t shortcuts more prevalent in cities that want to encourage people to walk more? Look to Trondheim: a mid-sized Norwegian city that has...

The Importance of Pedestrian Safety: How to Make Your City Walkable

Hello, fellow pedestrian. Yes, you! We may forget that we’re all pedestrians at times, as we’re so used to getting behind a wheel, jumping onto a bus or even straddling a bike. However, walking...

Green Is the New Black: How to Get Started

You want to start greening your city but don’t exactly know where to start or how to go about it? Well, lucky you! Below is a neat step-by-step guide to making your change-making path...

How to Excite People About Retrofitting

Energy Team and community leaders hosting a gamified training session in Dromiskin. Image Credit: Energy Team Big cities can learn a lot from smaller communities. Dunleer, a town in the northeast of the Republic of...

CityChanger Miriam Staley: Presenting Masterclass

CityChangers have the know-how, stress-tested projects, and innovative policy ideas worth shouting about, but it takes more than being an expert to influence our peers. Captivating presentations take practice – and it’s a different...

Cyclin’ in the Rain? What a Glorious Feeling!

It’s minus 30 degrees. Not the ideal temperature to cycle to work, is it? The enthusiasm to get on a bike while it is freezing cold or insufferably hot might, understandably so, be rather...

Urban Biodiversity and the EU Taxonomy

It’s easy to forget we share our space in the city with other creatures. Either being small and almost invisible to the unobservant eye or being right there, planted in front of your front...

CityChangers.org: An Introduction

A place to get inspired, learn, share ideas and knowledge, and connect with the world's most inspiring urban voices: This is what we want CityChangers.org to be for you. Welcome to your new online...

Participation for Innovation – Why We Need To Talk More About Participatory Cities

When talking about bringing change to cities, many governments and private organisations tend to hold on to traditional ways of creating policies and engagement. But many researchers are looking into new, innovative ways of...