
How Urban Manufacturing Can Contribute to a Circular Economy

Increasingly, cities have become aware of the fact that the current linear use of resources (taking raw materials from the environment, making products from them, and eventually throwing them away as waste) is no...

Improving Cities Through Technology: Aude Vuilliomenet

When it comes to transforming cities, most think of implementing green spaces, retrofitting buildings, pedestrianising streets. It makes sense, when the bigger, tangible improvements are easily perceived by the eye. But what about microcontrollers?...

A Match Made in the Garden: The Platform Connecting Urban Gardeners With a Place to Grow Their Own

How can cities unlock more land for urban agriculture when space comes at such a premium? For London based platform AllotMe, the solution starts with looking more closely at our own backyards. As any city...

#6 The Tada Manifesto

How can we ensure that a ‘smart city’ is also a fair, diverse and ethical one? We talk to Douwe Schmidt from the city of Amsterdam about the thorny issues cities face when implementing technological...

What Is Retrofitting? – Unlocking A Building’s Potential

Ever-greener attitudes and regulations ensure new builds, that accommodate growing populations, are efficient and climate-ready. But what about the plethora of existing ones? We can’t just bulldoze them all and start again. So, how...

Sustainable Buildings Glossary: Key Terms & Technologies

In case the world of sustainable buildings, planning, retrofitting, and construction is new to you, the CityChangers team has put together a quick-reference glossary to help you navigate some of the most common and...

Mobility As a Service: Why and How?

This article was written for CityChangers.com by Rita Prior Filipe, a PhD student at the Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bath, UK. Rita is currently researching the...

Encouraging Cycling Tourism with Digital Storytelling

This article was written for CityChangers.com by Krešimir Herceg, an entrepreneur aiming to enhance the leisure cycling experience. In doing so, he wants to help destinations reduce CO2 emissions and overcrowding at spots of...

How to Innovate Retrofitting

With so many properties failing to meet contemporary energy efficiency standards, much needs to be done to save occupants from needless discomfort and expense. There are plenty of mainstream retrofit concepts, but what about...

What Is the Food-Water-Energy Nexus?

Water, food, energy: in terms of creating sustainable cities, they are virtually impossible to separate. Optimising outputs for one relies on efficient resource management for all three, intrinsically locked as they are in the...

Notable City Skellefteå: The Sky’s the Limit… in Wood

One city in Sweden has been getting a lot of attention. The 20-storey plyscraper Sara kulturhus is one example of how notable city Skellefteå is pioneering the realms of wooden construction, but there’s a...

How to Make Energy Use More Efficient

Using fossil fuels emits a lot of carbon dioxide. This enters the atmosphere and traps heat, warming the climate. Unless we curb our energy use, temperatures will rise beyond the 1.5 degree-maximum we’ve set...