
Notable City: Decarbonising Vienna

Vienna is a pragmatic city, bursting with exuberance, diversity, and political action. In terms of decarbonising, it’s a place where people are making definite, positive urban change at the street and policy levels. We...

Notable City London: The Transition to Community Energy

Widescale social housing retrofit projects led by local authorities are not uncommon. Yet many energy refits still tend to focus on changes at the microscale – in single buildings. Does it have to be...

How Urban Manufacturing Can Contribute to a Circular Economy

Increasingly, cities have become aware of the fact that the current linear use of resources (taking raw materials from the environment, making products from them, and eventually throwing them away as waste) is no...

Urban Manufacturing: Key Terms & Definitions

To help navigate the sometimes alien world of city-based production, we've compiled a quick-reference guide to some of the most common urban manufacturing terms and definitions used by the Cities of Making project and...

Food-Water-Energy Nexus Glossary

There's a lot to the food-water-energy nexus. From too little to too much, and how we manage these extremes and everything in between - it can be difficult to keep up with it all....

Schoonschip: A Community-built Floating Neighbourhood

Living on the water might sound like the vision of a future where climate change has forced humanity to adapt to the rise in sea levels, but Schoonschip in Amsterdam proves that 'building' on...

#1 Rotterdam Rooftops

Facing their fair share of challenges on the ground (from housing shortages to climate change) cities like Rotterdam are looking skywards for solutions – to the rooftops. There’s plenty of opportunity but also headwinds...

Sustainable Buildings Glossary: Key Terms & Technologies

In case the world of sustainable buildings, planning, retrofitting, and construction is new to you, the CityChangers team has put together a quick-reference glossary to help you navigate some of the most common and...

Young Leader Hamza Amin: Shaping Equitable Communications for a Better Pakistan

The effects of climate change are not equal everywhere. Pakistan is one of the world’s lowest greenhouse gas emitters, but it is dealing with some of the harshest consequences. With projections that it will...

How to Innovate Retrofitting

With so many properties failing to meet contemporary energy efficiency standards, much needs to be done to save occupants from needless discomfort and expense. There are plenty of mainstream retrofit concepts, but what about...

Food-Water-Energy Nexus Facts & Figures

Trying to understand the food-water-energy (FWE) nexus has a lot of us scratching our heads. Trying to get anywhere with it is like unravelling a knotted ball of wool: you can tug at the threads,...

How to Motivate the Transition to Community Energy

Community energy is an agent of decarbonisation. Transition in the sector is gaining momentum. How can we motivate people to get involved and maintain that trajectory? We asked Éva Goudouneix, Community Development Manager with...

How to Make Energy Use More Efficient

Using fossil fuels emits a lot of carbon dioxide. This enters the atmosphere and traps heat, warming the climate. Unless we curb our energy use, temperatures will rise beyond the 1.5 degree-maximum we’ve set...