
CityChanger: Yann Moszynski – Advocating For Cycling the Rookie-Way

Did you ever notice that the perception of cycling in the media is mostly performance and competition-based? How many miles can you cycle, what gear do you use, etc.? But what about those inexperienced...

CityChanger Jason Roberts: A Coral Reef of Community

Every neighbourhood has the potential to become a wonderful place to live - a city block with vibrant streets, romantic lights, bookstores and cafés! In a lot of communities, this potential is simply too...

CityChanger Anne Koudstaal: Riding On Plastic – Recycle to Cycle

How can you solve plastic pollution and flooded cities at the same time? CityChanger Anne Koudstaal and Simon Jorritsma have an answer for you: PlasticRoads. For them, the future generation of road infrastructure consists...

CityChanger Florian Lorenz: A Perfect City Is an Unfinished One

Urban planning can no longer be business as usual, and cities need to allow for the necessary innovation to tackle the world’s environmental problems. We talked about these topics, among others, with Florian Lorenz,...

CityChanger Dusty Gedge: “A City Has the Responsibility to Deliver Real, Meaningful Biodiversity”

A circus performer, an actor, and a birdwatcher – becoming the name in the field of green roofs certainly wasn’t on Dusty’s agenda. The current President of the European Federation of Green Roof and...

CityChanger Tony Matthews: With Passion for Cities and Climate Adaptation

From working in urban and environmental planning, producing shows about cities, to researching and teaching, Tony Matthews has positively impacted the field of urban climate adaptation in many ways. What follows are his reflections,...

CityChanger Jaakko Blomberg: “Addicted to Creating Something New”

Specialising in new community-based urban culture, placemaking, street art, and co-creation, Jaakko Blomberg believes in the power of people; in their power to change cities. And his formula? “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than...

CityChanger Jan Gehl: Creating Liveable Cities

Renowned Danish architect Jan Gehl changed our understanding of what urban space should be. Shunning the traditional school of planning in favour of liveable cities, he pioneered the movement of designing places for people....

CityChanger Lior Steinberg: A Different Kind of Human

Why are we obsessed with success and fearful of failure? Often, it’s the unexpected trials and tribulations that provide the most valuable learning opportunities. Lior Steinberg is a rarity: with so many irons in...

Timo Perälä: Making Politicians Walk the Walk

As President of the Winter Cycling Federation, Timo’s aim is to make cities active all year round. He talks about cycling at -30C, the broken gym culture and making politicians practice what they preach.   Timo’s...

Angela Azzolino: There’s Better Ways of Doing It Than Bike Lanes

From corporate, to bicycle mechanic, to founder of ‘Get Women Cycling’, Angela Azzolino has experienced New York’s streets as a cyclist from different perspectives. We caught up with her to discuss helmet hair and the...

The Cycling Professor: Its More Than a Bicycle, It’s a Counter Movement – and John Lennon Knew It in 1968

Do we need driverless cars, or carless drivers? Why do we talk about congestion, but not systemic traffic violence? How come John Lennon was in bed with a bicycle? We interviewed the Cycling Professor,...

Enrique Peñalosa: “An Advanced City Is One Where the Rich Take Public Transport”

Bogotá’s former mayor, Enrique Peñalosa, redrew the capital’s cityscape. Surviving two recall elections, he built hundreds of parks, bike tracks, bus lanes and sidewalks. For him, a bus stuck in traffic does not represent inefficiency –...