
Utilising Untapped Space: Food Security with Rotterdam’s Floating Farm

Space in cities is limited. Urban farming signals better times for food security but if there’s a future in it, we need to find ways to make it fit around existing land uses. When...

Revitalising Inner City Districts: Brussels’ Many Faces of Circularity

Economic hardship drives many struggling city centres to relent and force manufacturing and commerce to give way to residential developments. But some cities are resisting. The historic Abattoir site in Brussels is proof of...

From the Linear to the Circular: How Guelph-Wellington is Closing the Circle on Food Waste

What would it take to create the first truly circular food economy? In Southwestern Ontario, Canada, the small city of Guelph and the surrounding county of Wellington have set themselves the goal of finding...

Reducing Food Waste Through Packaging: An Unwrapped Opportunity?

How can changing the way we store and preserve our food reduce waste in the interests of a more sustainable future? And what do cities have to do with it? We unpack these questions...

#13 Cake, Brew and Mend

In our throwaway culture, binning a broken object and buying a replacement is often the easiest, and cheapest, solution. But the take-make-waste economy has serious costs – for the environment and for society. So, what...

Schoonschip: A Community-built Floating Neighbourhood

Living on the water might sound like the vision of a future where climate change has forced humanity to adapt to the rise in sea levels, but Schoonschip in Amsterdam proves that 'building' on...

Malmö: City of Construction Circularity

Sweden’s premier southwestern city Malmö is not only a crowning glory in Scandinavian architecture, nature, and quality of life, but also in sustainability. The city is gaining notoriety as a bastion in new construction...