public buildings

Geography Matters: Regional Requirements for Retrofitting

Surprisingly, geography has a big part to play in the renovations we make to our built environment. Elements around the world pose different problems. While one city experiences flooding, another is dealing with desertification....

Lyon Confluence: How a District is Retrofitting Heritage Buildings

SPL Lyon Confluence is carrying out a stand-out urban renewal project in a once-deprived district of central Lyon. Project Manager Etienne Vignali describes how this offers a significantly chance to undertake a large-scale decarbonisation...

How to Excite People About Retrofitting

Big cities can learn a lot from smaller communities. Dunleer, a town in the northeast of the Republic of Ireland, has managed what many larger places have struggled to do: excite people about retrofitting....

What Is Retrofitting? – Unlocking A Building’s Potential

Ever-greener attitudes and regulations ensure new builds, that accommodate growing populations, are efficient and climate-ready. But what about the plethora of existing ones? We can’t just bulldoze them all and start again. So, how...

Sustainable Buildings Glossary: Key Terms & Technologies

In case the world of sustainable buildings, planning, retrofitting, and construction is new to you, the CityChangers team has put together a quick-reference glossary to help you navigate some of the most common and...

Challenges & Solutions for Migrant Housing in European Cities

In a hostile environment where migrants are denied access to the services and basic rights others enjoy, finding secure, quality, safe, and affordable long-term housing remains one of the biggest challenges. As where and...

CityChanger Birgit Rusten on Sustainable Architecture and Pilot Projects

Making your city’s buildings sustainable is a big aspiration and not easy. However, one thing that definitely helps are powerful examples of architecture that showcase the immense possibilities this field holds. One expert for...

How to Motivate the Transition to Community Energy

Community energy is an agent of decarbonisation. Transition in the sector is gaining momentum. How can we motivate people to get involved and maintain that trajectory? We asked Éva Goudouneix, Community Development Manager with...

Malmö: City of Construction Circularity

Sweden’s premier southwestern city Malmö is not only a crowning glory in Scandinavian architecture, nature, and quality of life, but also in sustainability. The city is gaining notoriety as a bastion in new construction...

Sustainable Schools – Education Fit for the Environment

With the climate crisis growing, teaching children about sustainability should be an obvious addition to their education. However, there are big discrepancies in countries’ curriculums and the resources given to teachers. In this article,...

A Functional Future – Ensuring Sustainable Public Buildings Are Fit for Purpose

Public Buildings are essential to every city. They can be the heart of the community, places where neighbours gather, children play and learn, and real life takes place. That’s why it’s even more important...

Notable City London: The Transition to Community Energy

Widescale social housing retrofit projects led by local authorities are not uncommon. Yet many energy refits still tend to focus on changes at the microscale – in single buildings. Does it have to be...

Notable City Skellefteå: The Sky’s the Limit… in Wood

One city in Sweden has been getting a lot of attention. The 20-storey plyscraper Sara kulturhus is one example of how notable city Skellefteå is pioneering the realms of wooden construction, but there’s a...