15-minute city

Train Drain: Why We Shouldn’t (Always) Travel Sustainably

Sustainability needs a warning label. The somewhat tongue in cheek Godwin’s law suggests that in any online discussion going on long enough, someone will make a comparison with the Nazis. In a similar way, it...

The World on Your Doorstep: The 15-Minute City and Why We Should Be Creating It

A 15-minute city is simply a place where all basic amenities are available within a short journey by foot or bike. But what is the idea behind it, what does it mean for reducing...

Perspectives on the 15-Minute City: How to Turn a Utopia Into a Reality

You may have already heard of the concept of a ’15-minute city’, but what do urban planners really think about the feasibility of making cities time-scaled, is this mere design fantasy, or is this...

Young Leader Luis Obregon: Unlocking Urban Regeneration in Truro

In cities struck by economic downturn and decay, we might hear the term ‘urban regeneration’ bandied round as a catalyst for improvement. But it’s about more than just throwing money at a problem. Young...

Addis Ababa: Lessons in Multi-modal Transport from an African Capital

America and Europe are awash with cities putting multi-modal transport at the forefront of cities’ policy and design. The voice of Africa doesn’t feel so prominent, but that’s misleading: Addis Ababa’s progressive transport plans...

Walking: The Key to Multi-Modal Success

Twentieth-century urban sprawl caused a shift in how we move around and between cities. Where walking was once the norm, private motors now claim the crown. But with recent focus on alternative transport, walking...

EVs Only Solve One Problem: the Future Viability of the Vehicle Industry

Let's be completely clear. The only problem that electric vehicles (EVs) resolve is the continued profitability of the vehicle-manufacturing industry. It is a solution created by the industry for the industry, which has no...