Ivona Bossert
Biographical Info
Ivona Bossert is an interior architect, product designer, and design manager by training. She has held a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Scholars and Artists and has worked for internationally renowned companies as a lead designer for products, exhibitions, and interior architecture. Parallel to that, she developed an affinity for a visual translation of research findings and strategies that led her back into academia. She specialized in the design of new-work spaces as an innovative approach to fostering the creativity of researchers working in this scientific environment. Taking design beyond aesthetics, she consciously uses it to formulate strategies that are based on a human-centred approach. A member of the Next-Generation Cities Institute's team since November 2021, she contributes to transdisciplinary activities and projects focused ond to next-generation cities.
Company / Organization
Concordia University
Job Description
Knowledge Mobilization Advisor
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