Naama Blonder
First Name
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Biographical Info
Naama has a bold vision: to change what good development can and should look like; with that in mind, she co-founded Smart Density. Naama’s professional work spans across planning and architecture, and by marrying the two disciplines, she brings a deeper and more realistic understanding of how municipal policies take physical shape. Naama is a subject-matter expert for the City of Toronto “Expanding Housing Options in our Neighborhoods” committee, a board member of Kehilla, an Affordable Housing provider, co-authored the Housing Affordability Report of the Ontario Association of Architect, and served at the Design Review Panel of the City of Burlington, where she provided Urban Design advice for development applications. Naama practices what she preaches, and lives with her husband and child in a multi-family building in a transit-accessible area of Toronto, where the park is their back yard.
Company / Organization
Smart Density
Job Description
Architect and Urban Planner

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