climate mitigation

Daylighting Rivers: A Hidden Gem of Climate Adaptation

Urbanisation in the post-industrial age led to the burial of waterways to make way for buildings, roads, and public spaces. Water, though, cushions the blow of climate change, so many cities are raising channels...

Water/Cooler Moments in the Age of Extreme Heat

As heatwaves become more frequent, we grow reliant on cities taking measures to provide relief. From fountains to pools to games, there are plenty of ways water offers comfort from rising temperatures. There is...

The Secrets of Vancouver’s Rain City Strategy

Vancouver has undergone a blue-green infrastructure revolution. Its Rain City Strategy integrated nature making the city more resilient to fluctuations in rainfall. Behind it all is Melina Scholefield, a CityChanger with an impressive portfolio...

Architectural Design and Climate Mitigation & Adaptation

“It’s not just about water, not just about heat. It’s about humans and nature and how our cities function holistically and work together.” - Jeremy Anterola With cities becoming more populated and the growing demand...

Micro-Gardening in Dakar: Fighting Food and Climate Insecurity

In lands where proper growing soil is scarce, water supply is low, and food shortage is prevailing, cities need to resort to innovative means of obtaining the needed resources. The city of Dakar managed...

How to Create Water-Sensitive Cities

With water flowing in from beyond the city boundaries, how can we realistically keep it in check? The International Water Association’s 17 principles for water-wise cities may hold the answer. In this article, we...