
#17: Heart & Seoul

How did Seoul turn a backed-up expressway into a tranquil urban stream? We take a look at the landmark Cheonggyecheon River Restoration project and ask why, almost 20 year later, this peaceful pocket in...

Geography Matters: Regional Requirements for Retrofitting

Surprisingly, geography has a big part to play in the renovations we make to our built environment. Elements around the world pose different problems. While one city experiences flooding, another is dealing with desertification....

Daylighting Rivers: A Hidden Gem of Climate Adaptation

Urbanisation in the post-industrial age led to the burial of waterways to make way for buildings, roads, and public spaces. Water, though, cushions the blow of climate change, so many cities are raising channels...

Urban Future Asia-Pacific 23

Coming soon: we're finally getting to realise our dream of bringing Urban Future to a new continent! DATES TO BE CONFIRMED. CHECK BACK SOON or visit https://urban-future.org/event/asia-pacific-23/ Premiering Urban Future outside of Europe. We are sometimes overwhelmed by...