This article was written for by Rita Prior Filipe, a PhD student at the Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Bath, UK. Rita is currently researching the...
‘Cyclists Dismount’. An instruction that seems reasonable, pretty agreeable. It’s probably placed in front of a school, or in a park, or before a pedestrianised shopping street. Best not to scatter the crowd by...
We’ve all heard of the terms ‘public participation’ and ‘stakeholder engagement’, but what do they really mean? How can you actually persuade someone adamantly against cycling policies to change their mind? Here’s an alternative...
For the last century, there’s been an ongoing battle for city space between cars and children, which, for the most part, has been won by the former. Kids no longer have the right to...
Urban planning can no longer be business as usual, and cities need to allow for the necessary innovation to tackle the world’s environmental problems. We talked about these topics, among others, with Florian Lorenz,...
From helmet hair to soaked suits, cycling to work isn’t always appealing. Here’s why paying commuters to cycle to work is misguided and how employers, employees and policymakers can all play their part.
Making Cents...
They endanger pedestrians, they are annoying, and people throw them away like garbage: E-scooters. Many citizens, especially pedestrians and cyclists, do not care for them. But let’s be clear: the potential of e-scooters is...
For the 10th consecutive time, Vienna was named the world's most liveable city in the Mercer Rankings of 2020. But does that also mean that the city is particularly pedestrian-friendly? We talked to Petra...
City logistics is a complex playing field with a multitude of actors involved. Increasing efficiency and greening last-mile logistics can only be achieved if all these actors play their part, governments included. This is...
Making a city pedestrian-friendly is no easy task. You need the policies to back you up, you need a strategy for your city that outlines exactly what you want to achieve and the actions...
Construction traffic is costly, dangerous and awfully polluting. A promising tool to radically reduce traffic are construction consolidation centres (CCC) or urban logistics hubs. At CCCs, construction materials are stored, traffic in and out...
The idea behind Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) is a straightforward one: it means closing off local streets to private cars and through traffic. Yet this seemingly ‘simple’ change can completely transform a residential area...
The humble bicycle may just be the cure we need for our suffocating planet, sickly air and illnesses stirred by static lifestyles. Divided into four arguments, this article hopes to illuminate why cycling cities...
Why not wear a helmet, if it could save your life? Aren’t bicycle helmet laws just victim blaming, rather than focusing on the real issue of unsafe drivers? We’ve made the case for both...
Cargo bikes and trikes are fast, flexible, they offer large storage capacity, and on top of all that, they produce zero tailpipe emissions. In other words, cargo bikes are the perfect fit for deliveries...
Despite being ranked as the world’s most congested city, bicycles in Bogotá are blooming. This is the remarkable story of how the bicycle weaved its way through – and how it shook up social statuses...
Buenos Aires is home to around 3 million citizens (more than 15 million if you count the Greater Buenos Aires area). How relevant is walkability for a city of that size? We spoke to...
Once every year a ‘World Car Free Day’ takes place in various big cities around the world. If your city does not yet host a car-free event, keep reading this guide on how to...